Domain Name Handbook
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The IFWP was a series of international workshops designed to bring together the various diverse stakeholder groups and experts in corporate law and trusts to:
  1. identify and articulate the parties, issues, and views; and
  2. prepare a model, set of common principles, structure and general charter provisions for the formation of an Internet Assigned Numbers Corporation (IANA) or Trust to meet the specifications of the June 5, 1998 U.S. Department of Commerce Statement of Policy on the Management of Internet Names and Addresses.

Culminating this process, on September 17, 1998, IANA and Network Solutions, Inc., jointly published a draft proposal (Iteration 4) for a California non-profit public benefit corporation called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, to coordinate the administration of domain names and IP addresses.

EuroISPA, the European Internet Services Providers Association, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation recommended modifications to the NSI/IANA framework draft.

On September 19-20, 1998, a group of IFWP participants gathered at an open meeting in Boston to reconcile the NSI/IANA draft with the IFWP consensus points. The recommendations of the Boston Working Group included an overview and detailed changes to the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.

On September 28, 1998, IANA issued Iteration 5 of the ICANN Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation without the participation of NSI. Biosketches, photos, and links on the proposed ICANN Board have been collected by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society of Harvard Law School.

In the first week of October, 1998, the U.S. Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration received three bylaws proposals. A full-text, color-coded, side-by-side Comparison of the Bylaws Proposals is posted on this website.

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Basic Research and Subcommittee on Technology, heard testimony on October 7, 1998 on Transferring the Domain Name System to the Private Sector: Private Sector Implementation of the Administration's Internet White Paper. Details about the hearings and letters from Congressional representatives are linked on this website at DNS in Congress.

ICANN's Adopted Bylaws (Iteration 6) were announced on November 6, 1998. ICANN'S first public meeting was held on November 14, 1998, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. An archive of the proceedings is posted by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School. For links to media reports and ICANN Board activities, see Archives from ICANN elsewhere on this website.

News articles about the historic IFWP process are linked at Information about the IFWP subscriber discussion list is posted at

IFWP Information on this Site
Other IFWP Links

IFWP: General

IFWP: Americas
Reston, Virginia
July 1-2, 1998
IFWP: Europe
July 24-25, 1998
IFWP: Asia/ Pacific
August 11-13, 1998
IFWP: Latin America/ Caribbean
Buenos Aires
August 20-21, 1998













DNS in Congress

Policy statements and Congressional testimony on private sector implementation of the U.S. government Internet White Paper.

International Forum on the White Paper

Meetings in Summer 1998 which culminated with the creation of ICANN.




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 The Domain Name Handbook: High Stakes and Strategies in Cyberspace
Copyright© 1998, 1999, 2000 Ellen Rony and Peter Rony. All Rights Reserved.