Domain Name Handbook
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Ellen Rony and Peter Rony, The Domain Name Handbook: High Stakes and Strategies in Cyberspace (R&D Books: Lawrence, Kansas) 1998. 645 pp. plus CD-ROM. ISBN 0879305150

The Domain Name Handbook provides a comprehensive and practical history of the policies, protocols, procedures, principles, controversies, and initiatives associated with the domain name system. See Press Release: "Internet Domain Names Are Focus of Hefty New Handbook."

Domain Handbook Cover

NOTE: The InterNIC website was transferred to the Department of Commerce on August 8, 2000, and most of the earlier policy documents provided in The Domain Name Handbook are no longer posted. Those documents are archived in the CD-ROM COMPANION bound with The Domain Name Handbook, but the now invalid InterNIC links have been removed them from the listing below.



Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. What's In a Name?
2.1 The Memory Palace of the Online Age
2.2 Meta Symbols
2.3 Alphanumeric IDs
2.3.1 Vanity Plates
2.3.2 Novelty Telephone Numbers
2.3.3 Ticker Symbols
2.4 Namesmithing
2.5 New Identities
2.6 Generic Domain Names
2.7 WYSIWYE: What You See Isn't What You Expected
2.8 Late to the Party
2.9 Not About Elvis

Chapter 3. How Does the Domain Name System Work?
3.1 Here Come the Acronyms: IP, TLD, DNS, and URL
3.2 Background on Hierarchies and the International Telephone, Postal, and Networked Computer Addressing Systems
3.2.1 What is a Hierarchy?
3.2.2 The International Postal System
3.2.3 The International Telephone System
3.3 The International Networked Computer System
3.3.1 International Top-Level Domains (iTLDs)
3.3.2 United-States-Only .US Top-Level Domain (TLD)
3.3.3 ISO 3166 Country-Specific Top-Level Domains (TLDs)
3.3.4 32-Bit Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses
3.3.5 Class A, Class B, and Class C Networks on the Internet
3.3.6 URLs are an Extension of the DNS
3.3.7 "Virtual Hosting"
3.4 How Do Domain Name Servers Work?
3.4.1 Is the DNS Important? An Example of DNS Corruption
3.4.2 The Domain Name System is Hierarchical
3.4.3 The Domain Name System is Distributed
3.4.4 The Domain Name System is Interdependent
3.4.5 The Domain Name System Requires Unique Addresses
3.4.6 The Objective of a Domain Name Server
3.4.7 Different Types of Name Servers: ISP, Root, TLD, and SLD
3.4.8 A Graphical Look at a DNS Query and Response
3.5 Examples of Domain Name Server Files (June 1997)
3.5.1 Top-Level InterNIC Zone Files
3.5.2 Sources of DNS Networking Information
3.5.3 Definitions: DNS Domains and Zones
3.5.4 Definitions: Types of Configuration Files on a DNS Name Server
3.5.5 Definitions: What do . ("dot"), IN, SOA, A, NS, 518400, and 172800
in a Resource Record Mean?
3.5.6 InterNIC Readme file
3.5.7 A Multilevel Hierarchy for Identifying a Host Address

Chapter 4. Follow the RFCs: The Development of the Domain Name System
4.1 Introduction: The Origins of the Internet
4.2 Jon Postel, the Czar Who Wears Multiple Hats
4.3 Requests for Comment (RFCs)
4.4 DNS Chronology: Follow the RFCs
4.5 Governance and Control Issues (1946-1993)
4.6 Assigned Numbers Terminology
4.7 Assigned Numbers (starting 1971)
4.8 Network Addresses
4.8.1 8-Bit Network Addresses (1974 to 1981)
4.8.2 32-Bit Network Addresses (1981)
4.9 Domain Naming Convention (1982)
4.10 Resource Records (1983)
4.11 Name Servers, Resolvers, Domain Name Space, Zones, and Domain Authority (1983)
4.12 The .COM, .ORG, .NET, .GOV, .EDU, and .MIL Top Level Domains (1984)
4.13 SRI Network Information Center (NIC) (1984)
4.14 Defense Data Network Information Center (SRI-NIC) (1987)
4.15 NIC Handle and WHOIS (1987)
4.16 Organizations Active in Internet Standards Matters (1988)
4.17 Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
4.17.1 IANA: "A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma" (1988)
4.17.2 Internet Standards Activity (1993)
4.17.3 Authority by Announcement (1994)
4.18 RFC "Numbers" File Sizes (1972-1994)
4.19 High-Performance Computing Act (December 9, 1991)
4.20 National Science Foundation
4.20.1 Transfer Registration Activity to GSI (1991)
4.20.2 Fund USC-ISI to Operate .US Top-Level Domain (1992)
4.20.3 Transfer Registration Activity to NSI (1993)
4.21 Chronology of Organization Creation (1946-1993)

Chapter 5. Introduction to Internet Registries, InterNIC Policies, and NSF/NSI Agreements
5.1 The Internet Registries
5.2 Introduction to Network Solutions, Inc. (NSI) Policies &endash; "A Lightning Rod for Lawsuits"
5.3 Original NSI Domain Dispute Policy (July 28, 1995)
5.3.1 Recommended Section Titles for July 28, 1995 Version
5.3.2 Right to Use Name
5.3.3 Disclaimer: Waiver of NSI Liability
5.3.4 Trademark Challenges
5.3.5 Domain Names That are Covered by the Policy
5.3.6 Binding Arbitration
5.3.7 "Hold" Status
5.4 Fee Policy for Registration of Domain Names (September 14, 1995)
5.5 NSI Domain Dispute Policy - Revision 01 (November 23, 1995)
5.5.1 Recommended Section Titles for Revision 01
5.5.2 Eliminate the Word, Resolution
5.5.3 Specify the .COM, .ORG, .GOV, .EDU, and .NET Domains
5.5.4 Indemnify NSI, NSF, IANA, IAB, and ISOC
5.5.5 Arbitration Panel
5.5.6 Trademark Challenges
5.5.7 What is Identical?
5.5.8 "Hold" Status
5.5.9 The Crossover Effect
5.5.10 Indemnification Agreement
5.6 NSI Domain Dispute Policy - Revision 02 (September 9, 1996)
5.6.1 Revision 02 Section Titles
5.6.2 Revision 02 Changes
5.6.3 Secret Proceedings
5.6.4 Special Relief
5.7 NSI Domain Dispute Policy - Revision 03 (February 25, 1998)
5.8 Lame Delegation Policy - not yet implemented (announced February 13, 1996)
5.9 Follow the Money; The Bankroller: NSF --National Science Foundation
5.9.1 The Ante: Cooperative Agreement No. NCR-9218742 (January 1993)
5.9.2 Additional Chips: Amendments 1, 3 and 5 (1994-1995)
5.9.3 The Jackpot: Amendment 4 (September 1995)
5.10 Office of the Inspector General Report: The Administration of Internet Addresses (February 1997)
5.11 Network Solutions, Inc. Initial Public Offering (July 3, 1997)
5.12 Other Registries
5.12.1 Australia (AUNIC)
5.12.2 France (French Network Information Center - NIC France)
5.12.3 United Kingdom (Nominet UK)
5.12.4 Canada (CA Net)
5.12.5 China (China Internet Network Information Center- CNNIC)
5.12.6 Japan (Japanese Network Information Center - JPNIC)
5.12.7 Switzerland and Lichtenstein (Swiss Academic and Research Network - SWITCH)
5.12.8 Comparative International TLD Registration Fees

Chapter 6. Domain Registration and Modification
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Who May File for a Domain?
6.3 The InterNIC Web Site
6.3.1 The Search Engine for Registration Services
6.3.2 WHOIS: How to Find Information About Domains and Sites, Part I
6.3.3 Overview of the Registration Process
6.3.4 InterNIC Policies and Processes
6.4 Domain Name Registration: The Difficult, Easy and the Important Items
6.4.1 Domain Name Registration: Web and Text Versions
6.4.2 Domain Name Template Blank Version 3.5
6.4.3 Example: Completed Version 3.5 Template
6.4.4 NIC Handle
6.4.5 The Difficult . . .
6.4.6 The Easy . . .
6.4.7 . . . and the Important
6.4.8 Primary and Secondary Name Servers
6.4.9 Guardian Authentication
6.4.10 Domain Name and Organization Using Domain Name
6.4.11 Administrative, Technical, and Billing Contacts
6.4.12 Other Registration Templates
6.4.13 Registration and Renewal Fees
6.4.14 Modify, Transfer or Delete Registration
6.4.15 A Dozen Tips to Simplify Processing
6.5 Registration-Related Tools
6.5.1 WHOIS: How to Find Information About Domains and Sites, Part II
6.5.2 The Registration Services Home Page
6.5.3 Help Desk
6.5.4 Registration Tracking System
6.5.5 FTP Archive
6.5.6 InterNIC-hosted Mailing Lists (Listservs)
6.5.7 Server Digital ID for Internet Service Providers
6.5.8 Referral Whois (RWhois)
6.6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
6.6.1 How Many Domain Names Can a Corporation Register?
6.6.2 Our Organization Name is Already Registered to Someone Else. What Can We Do?
6.6.3 Can I Register the Same Name in More Than One Top Level Domain?
6.6.4 If Another Company Has a Trademark for the Name We Want, But it is used for a Different Class of Goods, Can We Register the Name?
6.6.5 Can a Foreign Company Register a .COM Domain?
6.6.6 Should the ISP Register as Administrative Contact for a Client's Domain?
6.6.7 What Happens to the .COM Registration Fee After the NSI Agreement Terminates?
6.6.8 Can the Organization Listed in Section 3 of the Domain Registration Agreement be Changed?
6.6.9 Can Anybody Submit a Request to Change My Domain Record if I Don't use PGP or Choose an Encrypted Password?
6.6.10 How Will I be Billed by InterNIC?
6.6.11 Who Receives the Maintenance Billing?
6.6.12 What Happens if I Do Not Pay?
6.6.13 What Happens if a Domain Name Lapses?
6.6.14 Is the Registration/Maintenance Fee Taxable?
6.6.15 Can I take My Name if I Change Service Providers?
6.6.16 How Do We Notify InterNIC of a Domain Registration Change, or Do We Bother?
6.6.17 My Original ISP Was Bought Out. What Do I Do Next?
6.6.18 Do You accept domain name record modifications via fax?
6.6.19 How Do You Transfer a Domain Name?

Chapter 7. Basic Principles of Trademark Law
7.1 The Lanham Act of 1946
7.2 Trademark Registration
7.3 Trademark Infringement
7.4 Trademark Dilution
7.5 Internet Trademark Issues
7.6 International Coordination
7.6.1 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
7.6.2 The Paris Convention
7.6.3 The Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol
7.6.4 The Nice Agreement
7.6.5 The Lisbon Agreement
7.6.6 The Vienna Agreement
7.6.7 The Nairobi Treaty
7.6.8 The Treaty of European Union
7.6.9 Trademark Law Treaty
7.6.10 The Uruguay Round and the World Trade Organization
7.6.11 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
7.6.12 International Trademark Association (INTA)

Chapter 8. Domain Name Collisions
8.1 KAPLAN.COM: Arch-Rival's Ruse
Kaplan Educational Center, Ltd. v. Princeton Review Management Corp. (filed March 9, 1994)
8.2 MTV.COM: The Curry Chronicles
MTV Networks v. Adam Curry - Memorandum and Order (October 28, 1994)
8.3 MCDONALDS.COM Mac Attack
Joshua Quittner/McDonalds Corp. (October 1994)
8.4 BOB.COM and NOT-BOB.COM: Strange Bedfellows
Bob Antia/Microsoft Corp. (May 1995)
8.5 BBB.ORG: A Famous Identifier
Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. v. Mark Sloo - (filed May 9, 1995)
8.6 INTER-LAW.COM: Almost Identical
Jeff Liebling, dba The 'Lectric Law Library v. Interlaw Ltd., et. al. (filed February 15, 1996)
8.7 JURIS.COM: Safety Net
The Comp Examiner Agency, inc. dba 25th Century Internet Publishers v. Juris, Inc. - Preliminary Injunction (April 26, 1996; corrected May 22, 1996)
8.8 CANDYLAND.COM: Club Love Meets Milton Bradley
Hasbro, Inc. v. Internet Entertainment Group, Ltd. - Preliminary Injunction (February 9, 1996)
8.9 PETA.ORG: Acrimony Over an Acronym
People Eating Tasty Animals/People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (March 1996)
8.10 AVON.COM: Federal Dilution
Avon Products, Inc. v. Carnetta Wong Associates (filed February 2, 1996)
8.11 INSET.COM: Personal Jurisdiction
Inset Systems, Inc. v. Instruction Set, Inc. - Denial of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (April 17, 1996)
8.12 CYBERGOLD: Purposeful Availment
Maritz, Inc. v. CyberGold, Inc. - Memorandum and Order (August 19, 1996)
8.13 ESQWIRE.COM: Phonetically Similar
Hearst Corp. v. Ari Goldberger - Complaint (May 15, 1996)
Report and Recommendation (February 26, 1997)
8.14 CARDSERVICE.COM: Permanent Injunction
Cardservice International, Inc. v. Webster R. McGee and WRM & Associates - Memorandum, Order and Permanent Injunction (January 16, 1997)
8.15 ZIPPO.COM: Remote Transactions
Zippo Mfg. Co. v. Zippo Dot Com - Summons and Complaint (November 18, 1996)
Memorandum Opinion (January 16, 1997)
8.16 GATEWAY.COM: Famous, Not First
Gateway 2000, Inc. v. Gateway.Com, Inc. and Alan B. Clegg - Order (February 6, 1997)
8.17 PLANNEDPARENTHOOD.COM: Confusion Likely
Planned Parenthood Federation of America v. Richard Bucci, dba Catholic Radio - Opinion and Order (March 24, 1997)
8.18 PRINCE.COM: Battle Royale
Prince PLC v. Prince Sports Group - High Court Opinion (July 31, 1997)
8.19 Other Disputes

Chapter 9. Caught in the Crossfire: Challenges to NSI
9.1 Domain Registrants vs. NSI
9.1.1 ROADRUNNER.COM: Leading the Charge
Roadrunner Computer Systems, Inc. v. Network Solutions, Inc. - Complaint (March 26, 1996)
Declaration in Support of Preliminary Injunction (March 26, 1996)
Memorandum in Support of Preliminary Injunction (March 26, 1996)
Amended Complaint (April 15, 1996)
NSI Answer and Counterclaim for Declaratory Relief (April 25, 1996)
Stipulated Order Dismissing Preliminary Injunction as Moot (May 21, 1996)
Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment (June 3, 1996)
Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment (June 14, 1996)
Roadrunner Computer Systems, Inc. v. Network Solutions, Inc. (June 21, 1996)
9.1.2 DCI.COM: No Executive Privilege
Data Concepts, Inc. v. Digital Consulting, Inc. and Network Solutions, Inc. - Complaint (May 8, 1996)
Report and Recommendation (January 31, 1997)
9.1.3 TY.COM: Reverse Name Hijacking
Philip L. Giacalone v. Network Solutions, Inc. and Ty, Inc. - Complaint for Declaratory Judgment (May 30, 1996)
Order for Preliminary Injunction (June 13, 1996)
9.1.4 CLUE.COM: Mismatched Opponents
Clue Computing, Inc. v. Network Solutions, Inc. - Complaint (June 12, 1996)
Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction (June 12, 1996)
Complaint for Interpleader (June 21, 1966)
Brief Amicus Curiae in Support of Motion to Dismiss (July 22, 1996)
Motion to Dismiss Interpleader Complaint (July 22, 1996)
Order of Dismissal (October 29, 1996)
Hasbro, Inc. v. Clue Computing, Inc. - Complaint (January 10, 1997)
Hasbro, Inc. v. Clue Computing - Memorandum and Order (September 30, 1997)
9.1.5 DISC.COM: Choice Initials
Dynamic Information Systems Corp. v. Network Solutions, In. - Docket. (filed June 24, 1996)
9.1.6 REGIS.COM: The Usual Suspects
Regis McKenna, Inc. v. Regis Corp. - Docket (filed July 9, 1996)
9.1.7 JUNO.COM: Half a Million Accounts
Juno Online Services v. Juno Lighting, Inc. - Memorandum Opinion and Order (September 29, 1997)
9.1.8 PIKE.COM: Double Jeopardy
Peter Pike v. Network Solutions, Inc. and Floyd S. Pike Electrical Contractor, Inc. - Complaint (November 25, 1996)
FSPEC Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaims (February 13, 1997)
9.1.9 The Tunisian Gambit
9.1.10 REALWORLD.COM: Ex-Parte Decisions
Database Consusltants, Inc. v. Network Solutions, Inc. - Complaint (March 18, 1997)
Stipulation of Dismissal (April 23, 1997)
9.2 Trademark Owners vs. NSI
9.2.1 KNOWLEDGENET.COM: Ghosts of Domains Past
Knowledgenet, Inc. v. David L. Boone, NSI, Inc. and Digital Express Group - Amended Complaint (December 12, 1994)
9.2.2 FRYS.COM: Default Judgment
Fry's Electronics v. Octave Systems, Inc. - Docket (filed July 12, 1995)
9.2.3 PRESTONE.COM: Speedy Resolution
Prestone Products Corp., v. Maynerd Collision & Autobody, Inc. - Docket (March 5, 1996)
9.2.4 PANAVISION.COM: Targeting California
Panavision Intl., L.P. v. Dennis Toeppen, et. al. - Order Denying Defendant's Motion to Quash (September 19, 1996)
Order Granting and Denying in Part Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment (November 5, 1996)
Order Granting NSI's Motion to Dismiss (November 27, 1996)
9.2.5 MIKASA.COM: Sports and Saucers
American Commercial, Inc. v. Sports & Leisure Intl, Inc. (filed July 25, 1996)
9.2.6 PORSCHE.COM: Car Cachét
Porsche Cars North America, Inc. v. Chen (filed July 26, 1996)
9.2.7 EMPRESSTRAVEL.COM: Franchisee Face-Off
Empress Travel and Travel Impressions. Ltd. v. Stephen Kaufman, Traveler's Choice Inc. and Network Solutions, Inc. (May 22, 1997)
9.2.8 SKUNKWORKS.COM: A Stink About Tortfeasors
Lockheed Martin Corp. v. Network Solutions, Inc. and Does 1-20 (October 22, 1996)
Order Denying Defendant's Motion to Pardially Dismiss Plaintiff's Claims and Related Relief (March 19, 1997)
Order Granting Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment (November 17, 1997)
9.2.9 ACADEMYAWARD.COM: Goodwill in Achievements
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences v. Network Solutions, Inc. and Does 1-50 (filed August 26, 1997)

Chapter 10. Bigfoot Letters and Brickbats
10.1 Trademark Muscle
10.2 Network Solutions' Clout
10.3 A Square Peg

Chapter 11. Squatters, Speculators, Cybergluttony and Ostrichmeat
11.1 Domain Resale
11.2 What's It Worth?
11.3 Squatters and Grabbers
11.4 Super Cybergluttony

Chapter 12. Gone CyBerserk
12.1 CyBerserk Award: Procter and Gamble
12.2 Cyberverbosity
12.3 The CyberSaver: International Business Machines

Chapter 13. Alterweb -- A Parallel Universe
13.1 Rough Consensus and Running Code
13.2 Resolving Alternate TLDs
13.3 AlterNIC, an Experimental Registry
13.4 The Republic of IAHC
13.4.1 Memorandum of Understanding on the Generic Top Level Domains
13.4.2 What is the gTLD-MoU?
13.4.3 What is the Intent of the gTLD-MoU
13.4.4 How Can We Participate?
13.4.5 A Self-Regulatory Framework
13.4.6 Seven New gTLDs
13.4.7 Globally Distributed Competitive Registrars
13.4.8 Signatories to the gTLD-MoU
13.4.9 Criticism of the gTLD-MoU
13.5 Other Open Market Models
13.5.1 eDNS -- Enhanced Domain Name System
13.5.2 uDNS -- Universal Domain Name System
13.5.3 Image Online Design : Rival Registry Sues IANA
13.5.4 PG Media v. NSI: No Borders
13.5.5 Root Server Confederations
13.6 Examples of Root and Name Server Files (June 1997)
13.6.1 Alternate Top-Level Name Servers
13.6.2 Why the Concern Over Alternate Top-Level Domain Names (TLDs)?
13.6.3 db_root.bin -- Alternic
13.4.4 db_cache.bin -- AlterNIC
13.6.5 udns.cache -- uDNS
13.6.6 -- uDNS
13.7 How to Do "Alternate" DNS

Chapter 14. The Coming of Age of the Internet
14.1 The Future of the DNS: Governance and Administration
14.1. 1 Internet Principles
14. 2 Stability in the Presence of Chaos: Overview of the Issues
14.2.1 Governance: Who Should Own and Manage the "."?
14.2.2 Structure: TLD Expansion or Nationalization?
14.2.3 Legal Aspects: The Trademark-cum-Domain Name Dilemma
14.2.4 Internet Use: A Directory for DNS?
14.3 The Future of the DNS: Proposals and Initiatives
14.4 DNS for the Toasternet Society
14.4.1 Introduction
14.4.2 Toasternet Definitions and Examples
14.4.3 Toasternet Humor

Chapter 15. DOMAINHANDBOOK.COM: Domain Diaries and Updates






















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 The Domain Name Handbook: High Stakes and Strategies in Cyberspace
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