Domain Name Handbook
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Humility should be our first principle when legislating about cyberspace.
-- Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law at Stanford Law School, author of
"Code, and Other Laws of Cyberspace"

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19-Sep-02 Commerce Department, ICANN Amend Internet Domain Name System Management Agreement (E Commerce News) A one-year extension to the Memorandum of Understanding includes an advisory role for governments and mandates new quarterly reports
12-Jun-02 General Accounting Office, GAO-02-805T Internet Management: Limited Progress on Privatization Project MakesOutcome Uncertain

2-May-02 Truth In Domain Names Act I - H. R. 4658 amends Title 18, United States Code, to punish persons who use false or misleading domain names to attract children to Internet sites not appropriate for them.

1-Apr-02 - NIST Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract - extends the term of the contract with ICANN for IANA functions from 04/01/2002 through 9/30/02. See also NTIA Index to IANA documents.


29-Oct-01 - NTIA Purchase Order Award to NeuStar to Manage .US

26-Oct-01 Amendment of Solicition/ Modification of Contract, National Inst of STDS and Technology and Neustar
24-Sep-01 - Amendment 4 - Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Department of Commerce and ICANN - extends term to 30-Sep-02, unchanged otherwise
23-Jul-01 Amendment 3 - Coordination and Management of .us Top Level Domain (usTLD) SB1335-01-Q-0740 - Re: "Close of Business" deadline
17-Jul-01 Amendment 2 - Coordination and Management of .us Top Level Domain (usTLD) SB1335-01-Q-0740 - Amended answer to Q 36
16-Jul-01 Amendment 1 - Coordination and Management of .us Top Level Domain (usTLD) SB1335-01-Q-0740 - Responses to the RFQ
13-Jun-01 Coordination and Management of .us Top Level Domain (usTLD) SB1335-01-Q-0740 - Request for Quotation (RFQ)
8-Jun-01 H. R. 2417 - Dot Kids Domain Name Act of 2001 (A bill to create a new .KIDs TLD that will be a safe online environment for children)
25-May-01 NTIA Announces Solicitation for New .US Registry Manager
SB1335-01-Q-0740 solicitation will result in a single, no-cost (to the Government) purchase order for the work currently being performed on behalf of the U.S Department of Commerce.See also: Coordination and Management of .us Top Level Domain
15-Jul-01 DNRC: A Proposal for Restructuring the .US Domain to Encourage Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Protect Free Speech
25-May-01 Special Award Conditions, Amendment 24 (VeriSign to operate registry through November 10, 2007)
25-May-01 Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Department of Commerce and ICANN, Amendment 3. Also posted at
18-May-01 - Commerce, ICANN and VeriSign Agreement i n Principle, Press Release: Commerce Ensures Competitiveness and Stability are Protected in New ICANN-VeriSign Agreement

21-Mar-01 - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Purchase Order #2

12-Feb-01 - Special Award Conditions, NCR 92-18742: Amendment 21 (NSI to continue providing administrative services for .US)

08-Jan-01 - InterNIC License Agreement between U.S. Department of Commerce and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, U.S. Service Mark Registration No. 1,874,125

Jan-01 - National Telecommunications and Information Administration 2000 Annual Report

8-Sep-00 - NTIA RFC Management and Administration of the .US Domain Space - Docket Number 980212036-0235-06
7-Sep-00 - Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Department of Commerce and ICANN, Amendment 2
22-Aug-00 - SB 1319 Article 1.6, Pt 3,Chap 1, California Business and Professions Code: Cyberpiracy: Effective January 1, 2000, it is unlawful in California for a person, with a bad faith intent, to register, traffic in, or use an Internet domain name that is identical or confusingly similar to the personal name of another living person or deceased personality, with certain specified exceptions.
7-Jul-00 - U.S. General Accounting Report: Department of Commerce: Relationship with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. OGC-00-33R. 32 pp. plus 6 enclosures (13 pp.) PDF file download
29-Feb-00 - Office of the General Counsel; Abusive Domain Name Registrations Involving Personal Names; Request for Public Comments - [] DOCID:fr29fe00-35] (Volume 65, Number 40)] - Public Comments on use of the Internet for Campaign Activity
9-Feb-00 - NTIA, Contract Between the United States Government and ICANN for Performance of the IANA Function, Reference Order No. 40S8NNT067020 (47mb PDF file)

29-Nov-99 - S. 1948, Title III: Trademark Cyberpiracy Prevention Act , also called the AntiCybersquatting Consumer Protection Act

10-Nov-99 - DOC/ICANN/NSI Registry Agreement

10-Nov-99 - Amendment 1: DOC/ICANN Memorandum of Understanding

10-Nov-99 - Amendment 19 to Cooperative Agreement Between NSI and U.S. Government

19-Oct-99 - Conference Report (H. Rept. 106-398) - Title II: Department of Commerce and Related Agencies [Page: H10288] National Telecommunications and Information Administration - Review whether US participation is consistent with US law.

6-Oct-99 - H.R. 3028 -- Trademark Cyberpiracy Prevention Act (A bill to amend certain trademark laws to prevent the misappropriation of marks on the Internet.)

26-Sep-99: Registry Agreement: Tentative Agreements among ICANN, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and Network Solutions, Inc. - Agreement Summary Fact Sheet

10-Sep-99 - Press Release: U.S. Commerce Department, NSI, ICANN Closing in on Domain Name Agreements: Testbed Extension Granted to September 30.

6-Aug-99 - Press Release: Commerce Department, Network Solutions Agree to Add New Registrars and Extend Shared Registration Test Bed Until September 10.

16-Jul-99 - Press Release: Commerce Department, Network Solutions Agree to Extend Shared Registration Test Bed Until August 6.

25-Jun-99 - Press Release: Commerce Department, Network Solutions Agree to Extend Shared Registration Test Bed Until July 16, 1999.

22-Jun-99 - News Release: Bliley Blasts ICANN Management of Domain Names. Questions Authority To Levy Domain Name Tax

21-Jun-99 - Bill S. 1255: Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (To protect consumers and promote electronic commerce by amending certain trademark infringement, dilution, and counterfeiting laws)

14-May-99 - Press Release: U.S. Commerce Department Announces 90-Day Electronic Discussion Forum for U.S. Domain Space Issues

21-Apr-99 - Registrar License and Agreement

Apr-99 - Special Award Conditions, NCR-9218742: Amendment No. 13 (Shared registration system pricing)

24-Mar-99 - Special Award Conditions, NCR-9218742: Amendment No. 12 (Modified shared registration system timeline)

9-Feb-99 - NIST Amendment to Government Administration Contract (No. 296704) re: justification for awarding a single-source, no-cost contract to ICANN

4-Jan-99 - NIST Government Administration Contract (W-004 SN284696) re: transfer of IANA functions to ICANN


25-Nov-98 - Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Department of Commerce and ICANN

10-Nov-98 -Press Release: NTIA Reviewing ICANN November 6 Submission

20-Oct-98 - Media Advisory: Letter from Becky Burr, Associate Administrator of NTIA for International Affairs, to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

8-Oct-98 - Special Award Conditions, NCR-9218742: Amendment No. 11 (Extends Cooperative Agreement to 30-Sep-00 and directs establishment of Shared Registration System)

6-Oct-98 - Press Release: Commerce Department and Network Solutions Reach Agreement

29-Sep-98S - Press Release: Commerce Department Expects to Receive Private Sector Proposal for New Domain Name Corporation

17-Sep-98 - Media Advisory: Domain Name Cooperative Agreement Transferred to Department of Commerce

25-Aug-98 - Press Release: Commerce Department Extends Comment Period for .US Domain Space

4-Aug-98 - Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, (Docket No. 980212036-8172-03) Request for Comments on the Enhancement of the .us Domain Space

5-Jun-98 - Statement of Policy: U.S. Department of Commerce Statement of Policy on the Management of Internet Names and Addresses, Docket Number: 980212036-8146-02 - "White Paper"

6-Mar-98 - Leahy (Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-VT) Bill S.1727, "Study of Effects of Trademarks and Intellectual Property Rights of Adding Generic Top-Level Domains"

1-Feb/23-Mar-98 - Comments on the Technical Administration of Domain Names

20-Feb-98 - Improvement of Technical Management of Internet Names and Addresses: Comments on Rules (American Intellectual Property Law Association)

30-Jan-98 - Proposed Rule: Proposal to Improve Technical Management of Internet Names and Addresses - "Green Paper"


1-Jul-97 - Notice of Public Inquiry: Request for Comments on the Registration and Administration of Internet Domain Names, Notice and Comments

1-Jul-97 - A Framework for Global Electronic Commerce - The White House

1-Jul-97 - Presidential Directive on Electronic Commerce: Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies


Dec-94 - InterNIC Midterm Evaluation and Recommendations: A Panel Report to the National Science Foundation


18-May-92 (revised 19-Oct-92) - Network Solutions, Inc. Proposal for Network Information Services Manager(s) for NSFNET and NREN

19-Mar-92 - Network Information Services Manager(s) for NSFNET and NREN ( NSF 92-24)


13-JuL-03 US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Communications Subcommittee Hearing on ICANN

12-Jun-02 U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation: Hearing on ICANN Governance. Opening statement by Chair, Senator Ron Wyden. Real video archive

16-May-02 - U. S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property: Oversight hearing on "The Accuracy and Integrity of the WHOIS Database"

22-Mar-01 - U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property, Oversight Hearing on "ICANN, New gTLDS, and the Protection of Intellectual Properties. Webcast. of the proceeding. Topics:

  • What protections, procedures, or mechanisms should be implemented to adequately protect intellectual property interests?
  • What are the private registrars doing to ensure that intellectual property owners have access to contact information they need to protect their rights?
  • Does the ICANN uniform dispute-resolution procedure protect the rights of intellectual property owners?

14-Feb-01 - U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Communications Subcommittee hearing on "ICANN Governance"

Michael Roberts, CEO, ICANN
Karl Auerbach, Member, ICANN Board of Directors
A. Michael Froomkin, Professor of Law, School of Law, University of Miami
Roger Cochetti, Senior Vice President, Policy, VeriSign Network Solutions
Kenneth M. Hansen, Director, Corporate Development, NeuStar, Inc.
Brian Cartmell, Chairman and CEO, eNIC Corporation

8-Feb-01 - House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Telecommunications hearing on "Is ICANN's New Generation of Internet Domain Name Selection Process Thwarting Competition?"

Vint Cerf, Chair, ICANN
Lou Kerner , CEO, dotTV
Elana Broitman, Director, Policy and Public Affairs,
David E. Short, Legal Director, International Air Transport Association
Ken Hansen, Director of Corporate Development, NeuStar, Inc.
Michael Froomkin, Professor of Law, School of Law, University of Miami
Leah Gallegos, President, Atlantic Root Network, Inc.
Also: (without graphics), .BIZ Letter to Congress (3-Mar-01)
Alan B. Davidson and Jerry Berman. Associate Director and Exec Director, Center for Democracy and Technology

7-Jul-00 - U.S. General Accounting Office Report - Department of Commerce: Relationship with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (GAO/OGC-00-33R)

8-Jun-00 - Child Online Protection Act (COPA) Commission. Hearing on Common Resources For Parents: Addition of new top level domain for adult-oriented material

Roger Cochetti, Senior V.P. and Chief Policy Officer, Network Solutions
Jonathan Weinberg, Professor of Law, Wayne State University
Senator Joseph Lieberman
Bruce Watson, President, Enough is Enough Attachment
Bob Corn-Revere, Hogan & Hartson
April Major, Former Law Professor, Villanova Law School
Bruce Taylor, President and Chief Counsel, National Law Center for Children & Families
David Post, Temple University Law School & George Mason University

28-Jul-99 - IP Issues. Testimony before the House Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property.

Webcast at
Unofficial scribe's notes
Introductory Comments,
Rep. Howard Coble, Chair
Andrew Pincus, General Counsel, Department of Commerce
Francis Gurry, Assistant Director General and Legal Counsel, World Intellectual Property Organization
Michael Roberts, Interim President and CEO, ICANN
Michael A. Daniels, Chairman of the Board, NSI
Jonathan Cohen, president, Intellectual Property Constituency of DNSO
Ken Stubbs, Chair of Executive Committee of CORE
Kathlene Karg, Copyright Coalition on Domain Names
Mike Kirk, Executive Director, American Intellectual Property Law Association
Anne Chasser, President, International Trademark Association

22-Jul-99 - Domain Name System Privatization: Is ICANN Out of Control? Testimony before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

Unofficial scribe's notes
Statement of Rep. Tom Bliley (R-VA), Commerce Committee Chair
J. Beckwith Burr - Acting Associate Administrator, Office of International Affairs, National Telecommunications Information Agency, U.S. Department of Commerce
Esther Dyson - Interim Chairman, Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers
Mike Roberts - Interim President and CEO, ICANN
Jim Rutt - Chief Executive Officer, Network Solutions Inc.
Mikki Barry - President and Director, Domain Name Rights Coalition
Jamie Love - Director, Consumer Project on Technology
Grover Norquist - President, Americans for Tax Reform
Harris Miller - President, Information Technology Association of America
Jonathan Weinberg - Professor of Law, Wayne State University
Jonathan Zittrain - Executive Director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Richard Forman - Chief Executive Officer,
Kenyon T. Stubbs - Chairman, Executive Committee, Internet Council of Registrars
James R. Bramson - Counsel , America Online, Inc.

7-Oct-98 - Transferring the Domain Name System to the Private Sector: Private Sector Implementation of the Administration's Internet White Paper. Testimony before U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Basic Research and Subcommittee on Technology:

Opening Statement of Honorable Charles W. "Chip" Pickering - Acting Chairman, Subcommittee on Basic Research
Chairwoman Constance A. Morella - Committee on Science
Hon. James A. Barcia - Subcommittee on Technology
Gabriel Battista - CEO, Network Solutions, Inc.
J. Beckwith Burr - Associate Administrator (Acting), NTIA
Tamar Frankel - Professor of Law, Boston University; Chair, IFWP
Dr. Jon Postel (read by Attorney Joe Sims) - Director, Computer Networks Divison, Information Sciences Institute; Administrator, IANA
Joe Sims, Esq. Supplemental Submission - Attorney, ICANN

10-Jun-98 - The Future of the Domain Name System - Testimony before the U.S. Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and Consumer Protection, Hearings on Electronic Commerce:

Anne Chasser - International Trademark Association

31-Mar-98 - The Domain Name System: Where Do We Go From Here? Testimony before U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Basic Research and Subcommittee on Technology:

Opening Statement of Honorable Charles W. "Chip" Pickering - Acting Chairman, Subcommittee on Basic Research
Jim Courter - President IDT Corp. on behalf of the Internet Council of Registrars (CORE)
Barbara Dooley - Executive Director, Commercial Internet EXchange Association (CIX)
David J. Farber - Director, Center for Communications & Information Science & Policy University of Pennsylvania; Presidential Advisory Committee on High Performance
Robert Kahn - President and CEO. Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Ira Magaziner - Senior Adviser to President Clinton on Policy Development

30-Sep-97 - Internet Domain Names (Part 2), Testimony before U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Basic Research and Subcommittee on Technology:

Opening Statement of Honorable Charles W. "Chip" Pickering - Vice-Chairman, Subcommittee on Basic Research
Barbara Dooley - Executive Director, Commercial Internet EXchange Association (CIX)
Donald Heath - President and CEO, Internet Society (ISOC)
David McClure - Executive Director, Association of Online Professionals (AOP)
Sheila O'Neill - VP for Global Affairs, Information Technology Association of America (ITAA)
Anthony M. Rutkowski - Founder, World Internetworking Alliance (WIA)
Andrew L. Sernovitz - President, Association for Interactive Media (AIM)
25-Sep-97 - Internet Domain Names (Part 1), Testimony before U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Basic Research and Subcommittee on Technology:
Opening Statement of Honorable Charles W. "Chip" Pickering - Vice-Chairman, Subcommittee on Basic Research
Opening Statement of Congressman James Barcia
Gabriel Battista - CEO, Network Solutions, Inc.
Dr. Joseph Bordogna - Acting Deputy Director, National Science Foundation
Larry Irving - Assistant Secretary for Commerce
Dr. Jon Postel - Director, Computer Networks Divison, Information Sciences Institute; Administrator, IANA 






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25-Jul-02 Letter from Nancy J. Victory, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information to M. Stuart Lynn, re independent compliance audit of VeriSign

20-Jul-02 CENTR (Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries) Letter to Nancy Viictory urging narrowly-defined functions for ICANN

19-Jul-02 Response from Stuart Lynn to Nancy J. Victory describing ICANN's reform and evolution process

10-Jul-02 Letter from Nancy J. Victory, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information to M. Stuart Lynn, outlining the Department of Commerce's planned review of its Memorandum of Understanding with ICANN

26-Apr-02 Commerce Secretary Don Evans to House Energy and Commerce Chairman W. J. "Billy" Tauzin, welcoming the call for reform of ICANN.

13-Mar-02 Energy and Commerce Committee to Commerce Secretary Evans, expressing concern over ICANN restructure proposal and recommending USG retain control over the A root server.

6-Mar-02 Sen Conrad Burns to Ernest F. Hollings, Chairman Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, requesting Congressional oversight of ICANN

25-May-01 Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans toVint Cerf, Chair of ICANN regarding addition of new TLDs

15-May-01 Rep John D. Dingle, Committee on Energy and Commerce and Edward J. Markey, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet to Hon. Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce, regarding ICANN/VeriSign Agreement.

24-Apr-01 Alden Abbott, US Dept of Commerce, to Stuart Lynn, CEO of ICANN extending the DOC's decision on the Verisign revised agreement to May 14, 2001.

30-Mar-01 Reps. W.J. Billy Tauzin, Chairman. John D. Dingell, Ranking Membe Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce to Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce, regarding ICANN/Verisign proposed agreement.

21-Mar-01 Senator Conrad Burns. Chair, Senate Communications Committee, to Commerce Secretary Donald Evans regarding whether ICANN's authority is legal and urging DOC to take no further steps to empower ICANN.

21-Mar-01 Senator Conrad Burns to Comptroller General, David M. Walker, requesting the GAO to assess whether the actions of ICANN have been legal under the non-delegation doctrine of the U.S. Constitution, the APA and other federal statutes

16-Jan-01 - ACLU Letter to Secretary of Commerce, Norman Mineta regarding ICANN's selection of new TLDs.

9-Nov-00 Response of Hon. NormanMineta to Rep. Adam Smith

12-Oct-00 - Rep. Adam Smith to Hon. Norman Mineta Regarding transfer of root server to ICANN; Senator Conrad Burns to Hon. Norman Mineta re: Status quo of DNS administratoin

10--Aug-00 - Michael M. Roberts to Erkki Liikanen re: .EU Top-Level Domain

6-Jul-00 - Erkki Liikanen to Michael Roberts re:.EU Top-Level Domain

8-Jun -00 - Louis Touton to Chairman Donald Telage of the COPA Commission

15-May-00 - Michael Roberts to US Small Business Administration

24-Sep-99 - John Patrick, IBM, to Esther Dyson re: contribution of $100K.

24-Aug-99 - Response of Mikki Barry, President of the Domain Name Rights Coalition, to the House Subcommitee on Oversight and Investigations

18-Aug-99 - Congressman Tom Bliley to Esther Dyson, Chair, ICANN, re: ICANN'S Funding

4-Aug-99 - Congressman Tom Bliley to Charles F. Ruff, Counsel to the U.S. President, re: ICANN

4-Aug-99 - Response of Esther Dyson to Chairman Tom Bliley, U.S. House Commerce Committee

28-Jul-99 - Congressman Tom Bliley to Janet Reno, U.S. Attorney General, and to Esther Dyson, chair of ICANN, re: Committee's Ongoing Review of the Privatization of the Internet Domain Name System

27-Jul-99 - Congressman Tom Bliley to Jim Rutt, CEO, NSI and to William Daley, Secretary of Commerce, re: Network Solutions Incorporated Plan to Introduce a New Internet directory called the "Dot Com Directory"

28-Jul-99 - Congressman Tom Bliley to Esther Dyson, Chair, ICANN

23-Jul-99 - Rep John D. Dingell, U.S. Committee on Commerce, and Rep. Ron Klink, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, to Secretary William Daley, U.S.Department of Commerce

19-Jul-99 - Response of ICANN to J.Beckwith Burr, U.S. Department of Commerce

8-Jul-99 - Response of Andrew J. Pincus, Department of Commerce General Counsel, to Congressman Tom Bliley, Chairman, House Commerce Committee

8-Jul-99 - Response of ICANN to Congressman Tom Bliley

28-Jun-99 - Congressman Tom Bliley, Chairman, House Commerce Committee, to Congressman Thomas M. Davis

22-Jun-99 - Congressman Tom Bliley, Chairman, House Commerce Committee, to Hon. William M. Daley and Esther Dyson (See also Committee on Commerce News Release, Bliley Blasts ICANN Management Of Domain Names. Questions Authority To Levy Domain Name Tax)

5-Nov-98 - Response of John Sopko, Chief Counsel for Special Matters, to letter from Congressman Tom Bliley (PDF file)

27-Oct-98 - Response of Ira Magaziner, Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development, to letter from Congressman Tom Bliley (PDF file)

15-Oct-98 - Congressman Tom Bliley (R-VA, 9th District), Chairman, House Commerce Committee to Hon. William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce

15-Oct-98 - Congressman Tom Bliley, Chairman, House Commerce Committee to Ira Magaziner, Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development

13-Oct-98 - Congressman Ralph Hall (D-TX, 4th District) to Rep. Charles W. Pickering and Rep. Constance A Morella

13-Oct-98 - Congressman Ralph Hall to Mr. Ira Magaziner, Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development














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