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On September 17, 1998, IANA and Network Solutions, Inc., jointly published a draft proposal for a California non-profit public benefit corporation called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, to coordinate the administration of domain names and IP addresses. Additional names for the new corporation, listed below, were proposed on the IFWP.ORG subscriber discussion list.

ICANN Archives

Proposed Names for the New Non-Profit Corporation
Adam Todd

GIA: Global Internet Administration

Ellen Rony
GAIA : Global Assignment Internet Administration
Gaia is the name given to primordialearth, from whence sprang the divine races. According to Hesiod, Gaia was born immediately after Chaos and gave birth to Uranus (the mountains) and Pontus (the sea).In other words, Gaia was all inclusive--a fitting metaphor for the Internet. Gaia also, apparently, is the name Toyota has given to one of its car models in Japan.

Bob Racko

GAIA: Global Administration of Internet Assignments

Tony Rutkowski

GCIA: Global Coordination of Internet Assignments
GNSA: Global Network Stability Alliance
Milton Mueller
IAgra: Internet Association of Great and Ridiculous Agruments
Richard Sexton proposed a title to match this acronym:
Craig Simon
INDAB: Internet Delegations and Assignments Board
INDABA is a Zulu word that is well-known to speakers of English, Afrikaans, and other languages in southern Africa. Its early meaning implied "gathering of tribal elders." Its contemporary meaning is equivalent to "consultative meeting," "problem resolution session," or the native American "powwow." I have also seen modern usages that suggest "large, inclusive conference."
Eric Weisberg
FOIA : Fair Operating Internet Aggregation
In the United States, FOIA is the acronym for Freedom of Information Act.
WECANN - World Entity of Consensus Actuated Network Navigation
Richard Sexton
IAF: Internet Adress Foundation
FAW - Fair Addressing Workshop

Ellen Rony

IONN: International Oversight of Numbers and Names
IANN: Internet Authority for Numbers and Names
DIANN: Delegation of Internet Assigned Numbers and Names

Arnold V. Gehring

TALON Corporation: Transport Authority Lock on Names



DNS in Congress

Policy statements and Congressional testimony on private sector implementation of the U.S. government Internet White Paper.




International Forum on the White Paper

Meetings in Summer 1998 which culminated with the creation of ICANN.

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 The Domain Name Handbook: High Stakes and Strategies in Cyberspace
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