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International Forum on the White Paper -
- Singapore
- August 11-13, 1998
- Orchard
IFWP: Singapore
Report on this Site
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Singapore Links
following notes from the Singapore IFWP are posted with
permission of the respective authors.
Singapore notes - August
14, 1998
- Laina Raveendran
- Yesterday
(13th August) was the last day of the Asia
Pacific International Forum on the
- White
meeting. There were about 150 participants, mainly from
the US. While this meeting may not have appeared to
produce the kind of concensus documents as they did in
and Geneva,
from my opinion what was key was the fact that many
people in the US were hearing developing countries and
Asian views for the first time.
- Half way
through the meeting, having had informational sessions
and having heared from the key stakeholders in the US,
the developing country and AP participants got together
over lunch to dicsuss issues of concern to them. After
this lunch, when the delegates resumed for the Plenary,
the front row seats were reserved for the developing
country and AP
and they were able to speak up. Rather than have them
line up behind a microphone to speak (which is neither in
most of their cultures and is a little intimidating), the
mic was passed around to the delegates in the front row.
It was VERY interesting to hear the views of China, Papua
New Guinea, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea,
etc etc. The meeting was a great demonstration of the
need to accomodate and be patient with cross cultural
- Many in this
region felt it was too early for them to develop
concensus points since some were hearing the issues for
the first time. Others were key stakeholders too busy
crisis managing, introducing Internet for the first time,
etc to have time to dedicate to follow the tons of e-mail
over these issues. Others were concerned that issues did
not consider developing country interest- therefore
regional representation was important. Some others were
concerned about the fact that disqualifying governments
on the Board, may disqualify a lot of "private sector"
from this region,which by culture and definition has
heavy government involvement, most ccTLDs NICs
- Having their
input itself was very useful. If the IFWP stands for
inclusiveness and openess, then certainly many more new
voices were heared for the first time. There was not
however enough regional representation given the brief
notice people had for this meeting, and there was a talk
of the need to mobilise the region even greater to ensure
we have a voice in the process. The new IANA will greatly
impact this region, and we need to make sure we are not
ignored. The concern was therefore how will this input be
considered in the IFWP process.
- Interestingly
the Europeans found they had much in common with some
views expressed, and some exchange here will be
beneficial indeed. At the end of the day, there were
those US and in-the-know players that were upset that
more was not done, while there were others who were open
enough to acknowledge that the key success was the
hearing of new voices. Luckily there was many of the
latter around, for us to feel that the Singapore meeting
did fulfill some
- key
- The next
regional meeitng will be in Buenos
and I think that the representatives from that region who
were at our meeting were encouraged by the process. They
too have their region of wide interests, and with some
players just catching up with the game. I would strongly
encourage key stakeholders who want the process to have
legitimacy, to go to that meeting and LISTEN to what
people there have to say. The regional meetings are a
good informational meeting, but more importantly, a great
source of input into this process. A good listening ear
will certainly help the process gain
- Just some
thoughts I thought I would share. The transcripts and
documents I was told will be out by next week. So look
out for it at either the www.ifwp.org
website or the www.apia.org
- Some other
important developments from my point of view....when we
had a small BOF session for the lawyers, NSI
indicated to us that they are not assuming that they will
be the ones who will redraft their input, but they are
offering it to IFWP, and are merely trying to help
reflect the consensus of the group.
- Also, after a
long evening session of "legal session", it appeared that
IANA also would not claim that theirs was the only draft.
They were willing to work with NSI and others to come up
with a version that better reflects the concensus of the
meetings....good strat at least for this region, for
those who are confused as to which is the "legitimate"
draft that they are to comment on.
- Laina
Raveendran Greene
observations: Singapore, on balance
- Jay Fenello,
President of Iperdome, Inc.
- Now that I've
had a chance to recuperate, here are some personal
observations on Singapore.
- My report
begins with the Tuesday panel discussion. It was designed
to give some background to those who were new to the
White Paper and the IFWP process.
- Originally,
the panel was only going to include members of the "old
guard." Thankfully, this format was changed, and over 10
different presenters gave a short overview.
- For my part, I
described this debate as one of two competing
philosophies, each with the best interests of the
Internet at heart, each with diametrically opposed
beliefs. I concluded with what I considered to be the
most important factor for success of the IFWP -- that of
balance. It was a theme that would be repeated many times
in Singapore.
- Next, the
WWccTLD people presented their plan for the new Names
Council. When they were done, I pointed out that they
forgot to include Network
in their \organization (significant, because they
administer more than 2/3rds of all domain names in
existence), nor did they include any of the prospective
registries that have been waiting to enter this new
- [I
understand that the WWccTLD group agreed that they made
an oversight by excluding these and other groups at the
Names Council meeting. I did not hear this directly, nor
have I seen this officially confirmed.]
- As the
afternoon session ended, I saw a small group of people
meeting in the back of the room. Wondering what was going
on, I jumped in to discover what appeared to be some
lawyers trying to decide what they should discuss at
their evening session.
- One suggested
that they prepare a graphic that could help people
visualize the new organization, the various councils, and
how membership and other organizations might be
represented in the New Corp. So I gave him a copy of my
own graphic "A Representational Framework
- for Internet
Governance," which I just happened to have with me :-)
- http://www.iperdome.com/gig.gif
- http://www.iperdome.com/gig.txt
- The next
morning, this diagram actually ended up being used in a
presentation -- not because it was the answer, but
because it covered all of the bases. It showed the
decision making bodies of the New Corp as boxes, it
showed potential stakeholder groups as circles, and it
showed how each of the boxes were controlled by each of
the circles.
- [As an
aside, I've noticed an ongoing debate about
representation on the lists. I'd like to
- my belief that
both need to be represented, one as the "general
membership" class, and one as the
- "representative
membership" class. This again results in balance, which
is necessary to prevent capture.]
- This session
concluded with a discussion about other possible
representational structures, and their corresponding
- [As
another aside, Iperdome will be happy to host other
diagrams of representation for the New Corp. We will also
make changes to our existing diagram based on
suggestions. Please contact me directly if you would like
- The last day,
we had the breakouts on the Names Council and the
Address/Protocols Councils. Although I was not there for
most of it, the Names Council turned into quite a food
fight. Eventually, it looked like some consensus was
reached, but I'll leave that for others to
- Personally,
the most valuable part of the whole trip occurred at an
informal dinner the final night. There, one of the
Australian government representatives and I had a lively
debate about for-profit vs. non-profit registries.
Eventually, we came to a mutually agreeable consensus. In
many ways, it was a perfect mirror of my experience in
Geneva -- people will support reasonable positions when
they are given all of the facts.
- In general,
though, this was not like the previous two IFWP meetings.
There were no consensus calls to speak of, and there were
no new issues of particular interest to the
- One local
described it as "when worlds collide -- the brash
Americans, the arrogant Europeans, and the polite Asians.
While the MoU supporters and the new stakeholders threw
food at each other, your gracious hosts were trying to
figure it all out."
- On another
level, however, it was one of understanding. I not only
understand this region better now, but I've made some new
friends that I want to help in any way I can.
- At the same
time, they too have gained much understanding. Not only
about the controversy, but also about the passions and
the cultures involved in this debate.
- In closing, I
found the members of the Asia-Pacific region to be
friendly, very polite, and very reasonable in their
approach. Balance, it would appear, is a concept that is
well understood -- and supported, in this part of the
- Jay
- President,
Iperdome, Inc.
- http://www.iperdome.com
AP-IFWP Panel Discussion
Jay Fenello, President of
Iperdome, Inc.
- My name is Jay
Fenello, President of Iperdome, Inc., a prospective
registry for the .per TLD.
- I'm very
thankful for this opportunity to speak here
- For this
section, I'm going to try and provide some perspective on
the gTLD-MoU, the White Paper,
- and the IFWP
process. Over the next couple of days, you will hear a
great many opinions on these topics. Some call t the
"great debate," while others call it the "great
- So what's it
all about?
- On one side of
this debate, you have the "old guard." They are the
engineers, academia and
- others who
were instrumental in building the Internet, and
instrumental in making it the success that it is today.
They include the IANA, the ISOC, POC/PAB/CORE,
On the other, you
have the new stakeholder communities. These are the
businesses, the trademark holders, and the advocates for
privacy, free speech and other social issues. They include
Network Solutions, Iperdome, the DNRC, etc.
Both sides have
strong beliefs. Both sides want what's best for the
Internet. Most importantly, *both* sides are
- So, as we go
forward, let's realize . . .
- This is *not*
about who is right and who is wrong -- this *is* about
- Balance
between Domain Name holders and Domain Name
- Balance
between IP Address holders and IP Registries,
- Balance
between Trademark holders and Domain Name
In short, balance
between *all* Internet users, and *all* Internet
In closing, I'd
like to reiterate the goals of the White Paper as stated by
Becky Burr:
are looking for a globally and functionally
representative organization, operated on the basis of
sound and transparent processes that protect against
capture by self-interested factions, and that provides
robust, professional management. The new entity's
processes need to be fair, open, and pro-competitive. And
the new entity needs to have a mechanism for evolving to
reflect changes in the constituency of Internet
Thank you for this
opportunity to speak here today.
- Jay
- President,
Iperdome, Inc.
- http://www.iperdome.com
following individuals were participants at the IFWP:
Asia/Pacific in Singapore on August 11-13, 1998. This list
is distilled from the registration data posted at
- Mr Adam Peake
- Mr Adam Todd
- Ms Adelene Yeo
- Mr Adrian
Stewart <adrian@edge.com.sg>
- Ms Agnes Lee
- Mr Amadeu
Abril i Abril <Amadeu@nominalia.com>
- Dr Ang Peng
Hwa <tphang@ntu.edu.sg>
- Ms Angela Chan
- Mrs
Anne-Kathrin Orth <ao@anwalt.de>
- Mrs Atreyi
Kankanhalli <atreyika@comp.nus.edu.sg>
- Mrs Azmah
binti Abd Malik <azmah@mimos.my>
- Mr Bernard
Turcotte <turcotte@canarie.ca>
- Mr Boon Hing,
Khoo <bhkhoo@nic.net.sg>
- Mrs Carolyn
Lee <lee1688@yahoo.com>
- Mr Calvin
Browne <calvin@uniforum.org.za>
- Mr Cheah Cheng
Poh <cheahcp@cyberway.com.sg>
- Dr Chen
Lih-Shyang <chen@mail.ncku.edu.tw>
- Mr Chhay Ea
- Mr Chuck Gomes
- Mr Chun Wu
- Mr Clive Flory
- Mr Dan
Steinberg <dstein@travel-net.com>
- Ms Dani
Kirkeby <dkirkeby@suncare.net>
- Mr Daniel
Kaplan <dkaplan@terra-nova.fr>
- Ms Dao Thi
Thanh Huyen <daothith@comp.nus.edu.sg>
- Mr Dave
Crocker <dcrocker@brandenburg.com>
- Mr David Chou
- Prof David
Farber <farber@cis.upenn.edu>
- Mr David M.
Graves <daveg@netsol.com>
- Mr Desmond Ee
- Mr Didier
Hueber <didier.hueber@ece-commerce.org>
- Ms Djolakian
Laurence <ldjolakian@fedma.org>
- Mr Donald
(Don) M. Heath <heath@isoc.org>
- Dr Donald N.
Telage <dont@netsol.com>
- Mr Edmundo
Valenti <emv@datamarkets.com.ar>
- Mr Einar
Stefferud <stef@nma.com>
- Ms Eleazer
Chia <eleazer@pacific.net.sg>
- Dr Emmanuel C.
Lallana <eclallana@pldt.com.ph>
- Mr Eric Lee
- Dr Erica
Roberts <eroberts@dca.gov.au>
- Ms Fay Howard
- Ms Fiona Yeo
- Mr Gabriel A.
Battista <gabeb@netsol.com>
- Mr Gabriel
Accascina <gabriel@apdip.net>
- Mr Gary
Hayward <ghayward@netsol.com>
- Mr Gerry
Faigal <gerry@nii.ncb.gov.sg>
- Dr Gihan Dias
- Ms Hatsue
Ogawa <hatsue@global-commons.co.jp>
- Mr Homer Tan
- Prof Hualin
Qian <hlqian@cnnic.net.cn>
- Mr Izumi Aizu
- Mr j emmanuel
disini <jed@email.com.ph>
- Mr J.
Christopher Clough <chrisc@netsol.com>
- Mr J. William
Semich <bsemich@mail.nu>
- Dr James Lee
- Mr Jim Dixon
- Mr Johar Alam
- Dr John C
- Mr John Wood
- Dr Kanchana
Kanchanasut <kk@cs.ait.ac.th>
- Dr Kate Lance
- Mr Keith
Mitchell <keith.mitchell@ripe.net>
- Mr Kenneth
Neil Cukier <kenc@cwi.emap.com>
- Dr Kido
Takashi <kido@nttmsc.com.my>
- Mr kilnam chon
- Mr Kuo Wu
- Ms Lafontaine
- Ms Laina R.
Greene <laina@getit.org>
- Mr Lau Kok
Keng <kok.keng.lau@bakernet.com>
- Mr Leni Mayo
- Mr lim kian
kim <kiankim@ncb.gov.sg>
- Ms Linda
Ma'moon <gchchong@singnet.com.sg>
- Mr Linh Tang
- Ms Lorraine
Anne Tay <lorraine.tay@bakernet.com>
- Dr Manjeet
Singh <manjeet@singaren.net.sg>
- Mr Marcel
Schneider <schneider@switch.ch>
- Ms Margie Ong
- Mr Mark
Measday <measday@josmarian.ch>
- Mr Martin
Green <fhp@pacific.net.sg>
- Mr Martin
Maguire <director@connect.ie>
- Mr Masaya Toma
- Mr Mathias
Koerber <mathias@nic.net.sg>
- Mr Michael
Schneider <michael.schneider@anwalt.de>
- Ms Mikki Barry
- Mr Mohd Taufiq
B Md Daros <taufiq@tas.gov.sg>
- Mr Naomasa
Maruyama <maruyama@nic.ad.jp>
- Ms Naphtali
Irene Tham <naphtali@pacific.net.sg>
- Dr Nii N.
Quaynor <quaynor@ghana.com>
- Mr Noel Mobiha
- Mr Norbert
Klein <norbert@forum.org.kh>
- Mr Oscar
Robles <orobles@nic.mx>
- Ms Ou-Yang
Shin-Chiung <oy@mail.moe.gov.tw>
- Mr Patrick
Fair <pvf@sydney.phillipsfox.com.au>
- Mr Patrick
Greenwell <patrick@namesecure.com>
- Dr Paul Twomey
- Mr Paul Wilson
- Mrs Pensri
Arunwatanamongkol <pensri@cs.ait.ac.th>
- Mr Pindar Wong
- Mr Qin Qian
- Mr R.Shridhar
- Mr Rahmat M.
Samik-Ibrahim <rms46@geocities.com>
- Mr Rajesh
Sreenivasan <camelot@singnet.com.sg>
- Mr Randy Bush
- Mr Richard
Sexton <richard@vrx.net>
- Mr Robert Elz
- Mr Robert
Korzeniewski <bobk@netsol.com>
- Mr S. Chandra
- Ms Sally Davis
- Mr Sea Nareth
- Mr Seungmin
Lee <yuppie@nca.or.kr>
- Ms Shariya
Haniz Zulkifli <shariya@mimos.my>
- Mr Soh Kar
Liang <malachi@pacific.net.sg>
- Prof Sooyoun
Lee <leesy@daisy.kwangwoon.ac.kr>
- Prof Srisakdi
Charmonman <charm@ksc.net.th>
- Mr Stafford
Guest <sguest@cas.nu>
- Mr Steve
Silver <ssilver@pacific.net.sg>
- Dr Sunil Kumar
- Mr Tadashi
Miyamoto <miyamoto@cyberway.com.sg>
- Dr Tan Tin Wee
- Mr Teddy Affan
Purwadi <sekjen@apjii.or.id>
- Mr Tommy Ho
- Mr Toru
Takahashi <toru@tokyonet.ad.jp>
- Mr Xu Chu
- Ms Theresa C.
Swinehart <2131750@mcimail.com>
- Ms Tiong Lee
Lan <tiongll@cyberway.com.sg>
- Dr Tommi Chen
- Dr Tsen
Lee-Ming <t341727@ncu865.ncu.edu.tw>
- Ms Wu Haixin
- Ms Yaap Yong
Siew <yongsiew@apng.org>
- Ms Zhao Fu
- Dr Zita Wenzel

