Domain Name Handbook
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Below is a non-exhaustive list of links to Year 2000 news reports about the domain name system, in reverse chronological order. A few links may no longer be available, while others may require a password or fee to access their archives.


Domain name market loses luster, by Alex Pham (Los Angeles Times)
The "dot-bomb" phenomenon is rippling through the once white-hot market for domain names.


New Domain Names 'Poorly Chosen' Say Tech Authors, by Julian Matthews (Newsbytes)
Technology writers Bob Rankin and Ellen Rony criticized ICANN's choices of new TLDs and questioned the "arbitrary restrictions" placed on them.
Domains Don't Net as Many Buyers, by Alex Pham (Los Angeles Times) - see above


Mutiny isle awaits online bounty, by Helen Studd (British Times)
Pitcairn Island's ccTLD is .PN&emdash; a short form of 'phone' with enormous business potential.


Minister backs new domain authority, by Simon Hayes (Australian IT)
Robert Elz, administrator of ,AU since the mid-1980s will relinquish authority for Australia's domain name space, following theFederal Government's move to officially recognise the .AU Domain Administration.


Domain name sold by dot in ocean, by Gaia Vince (Australian IT)
Idealab, the dotTV company that purchased rights to administer the .TV namespace, says that the deal has effectively doubled the GDP of Tuvalu islands.


VeriSign Tops 700,000 Multilingual Domains, by Staff
Since the registry initiated the Multilingual Domain Name Service November 10, registrations to date include 275,000 Chinese domain names, nearly 250,000 Korean names and 200,000 Japanese names.


Joining the dots gets easier, by David Braue (E-Commerce News)
Sydney-based Nascomms has received hundreds of registrations from around the world since launching its telephone number-based naming service a fortnight ago.


Domain name database revamp due? by Carolyn Duffy Marsan (NetworkWorld)
Standardization of WHOIS, a patchwork of inconsistently formt5ted domain registration information distributed among the 70 domain name registrars, is being tackled on two fronts.


Row over mandate for Chinese domain names deepens, by Chee-may Chow (Yahoo Biz)
A dispute deepened as China reiterated its claim over all Chinese language Internet domain names.


China Rejects 758,000 Domain Names (Asia Internet News)
Of the 800,000 Chinee language domain names registered by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), only 40,000 did not need to be eliminate3d due to duplicate registrations or substandard registration methods,


FTC Consumer Alert: What's Dot and What's Not: Domain Name Registration Scams
The Federal Trade Commission warns against scams offering the opportunity to pre-register new top level domain names.


Questions remain as CIRA takes over dot-ca domain, by David Akin (National Post)
Governance a problem: Only those who pay to register get to vote for policy-makers
Will Language Wars Balkanize the Web?" by Gren Manuel and Leslie Chang (WSJ)
The introduction of non-English domain names online is generating disputes that could divide the Internet into islands of connectivity, says Pindar Wong, former vice-chair of ICANN.


Name row threatens the net, by Mark Ward (BBC News)
Many country code administrators are balking at paying ICANN's hefty fees and say they are getting nothing in return.


Country code chiefs, registrars mull ICANN breakaway, by Andrew Orlowski (Register)
The managers of ccTLDs have formed a working gtroup to actively mull a move to alternative root servers beyond ICANN's control.


New net domains remain in short supply, by (BBC)
The net's new domain names may do little to open up the internet and the range of names that people can pick.


Melbourne IT wins some and loses some, by Kristy Needham (Bloomberg)
Melbourne IT will launch a $10 million global marketing drive to introduce the business world to the new .BIZ top level domain.
Thousands of Sites Spared by Decision on .WEB suffix, by Karen Kaplan (LA Times)


U.N. agency may fight denial of .HEALTH domain, by Reuters (C/Net)
The World Health Organization said it is extremely disappointed by ICANN's decision not to approve a special Internet address for health care sites and will immediately explore recourse.
Internet Names Painstakingly Picked, by Anick Jesdanun (AP)
Among those that didn't make the cut were .III, in part because it was unpronounceable; .KIDS and .HEALTH, to avoid content control; and .GEO, because its sponsors had ties with two other proposals in the semifinal round of nine.
Web address battle looms, by Louisa Lim (BBC)
The Chinese Government has introduced its own rules, naming the China Internet Network Information Centre as the only authority that can register Chinese language addresses, pitting it against ICANN.


What's in a name? Too little, says panel, by Kristy Needham (Bloomberg)
A shake-up of the rules governing how Internet names are handed out in Australia seems imminent following a report by a public panel describing the criteria now used as "completely unrealistic and rigid".
Review of ICANN's new Top Level Domains, by Aaron O'Donnell (Theme Stream)
ICANN passed up some very good proposals when it finalized its decision.
ICANN names new dot-competition, by Ben Charny (ZDNet)
Outgoing chair, Esther Dyson, deflected criticism that the board was setting policy with its selection instead of expanding existing TLDs as it has authority to do.
The winners are... , by Oscar Cisneros (Wired)
ICANN selected seven new TLDs, the first non ccTLD introduction since 1985.
Domain name list to expand by 7, by Elise Ackerman (SJMercury)
The new top level domains are: .AERO, .BIZ, .COOP, .INFO, .MUSEUM, .NAME, and .PRO, covering everything from airlines to professionals.


Real Names opens cdhallenge to .COM naming system, by Reuters (C/Net)
Privately held RealNames annouced plans to open its proprietary system for marketing common words as replacements for complex Internet addresses, in a challenge to the expansion of new TLDs.


Domain name reseller changes name after complaints, by Jenny Sinclair (Age IT)
The Domain Name Authority of Australia has become Discount Domain Name Services after the Domain Authority (auDA) complained it was misleading.


The Net Ain't Just for English, by Oscar S. Cisneros (Wired)
The technical implementation of internationalized domain names promises to be difficult -- with legacy protocols presenting problems of incompatibility, and with the lingering risks that commercial interests will jump the gun with standards of their own
What to do with Domain Disputes? by Oscar S. Cisneros (Wired)
The issue of "forum shopping" for UDRP dispute resolution providers created a debate on the eve ICANN's board meeting.


Multilingual domain names under fire, by Carolyn Duffy Marsan (Network World)
Verisign Global Registry Services will begin registering multilingual domain names despite concerns from the Internet Society that this will destabilize the Internet.


Move over, dot-com, by Carolyn Duffy Marsan (Network World)
ICANN readies new t op-level domains; headaches seen for net managers.


Domain Name Space About To Bust Open, by Mary Mosquera (TechWeb News)
The Internet is on the cusp of another gold rush as new TLDs will propel the Web into new frontiers.


Government Seeks to Secure Own Country Website (PanAfrican news Agency)
South Africa plans to file a UDRP proceeding for the domain name SOUTHAFRICA.COM.


Streamlining Domain Squabbles, by Oscar Cisneros (Wired)
Attorneys accustomed to browsing the legal tomes lining law library shelves have new tools to help build their cases.
VeriSign Acquires, by Jayson Matthews (Internet News)
The addition of domain name reseller GreatDomains marks the third such acquisition to extend VeriSign's market into the domain game.


Dirt in the domain name game, by Brock Meeks (MSNBC)
A small cabal of insiders appear to be gaming the selection process that will determine which TLD proposal will be approved by ICANN.


Registration Screwups Snarl Domain Names, Big and Small, by James C. Luh (InternetWorld)
Adobe Systems is the latest company to suffer from an unauthorized transfer of its registration data to an unaffiliated party.
COPA Calls on ISPs, Won't Support Domains Like .XXX, by Kathleen Murphy
The Child Online Protection Act (COPA) commission concluded that a new TLD such as .xxx or .adult would be only moderately effective and raise privacy and First Amendment concerns.


ADOBE.COM falls Prey to Domain Hijacker, by Brian McWilliams (InternetNews)
A hijacker tricked NSI into transferring the domain record for ADOBE.COM to Paycenter, an ICANN-accredited registrar in China.


Catchy domain names lose their luster, by Cecily Barnes (C/Net)
Dozens of e-commerce companies, with ownership of domain names considered some of the most valuable property on the Internet, today are facing a drought of funding and investor disinterest on Wall Street.


Domain Names Hoarded, Suit Says, by Dina Elboghdady (Washington Post)
An Alabama businessman has filed a class action lawsuit accusing NSI of hoarding Internet domain names that had legally expired.
A switch to an alternative Internet? by Brian Livingston (C/Net)
Businesses that have alternative TLDs have decided to launch a campaign for in support for an alternative root server system run by ORSC.


Domain Dilemma, by Brenda Sandburg (California Law)
Some attorneys worry UDRP mediators may go too far when settling domain name fights
Europeans get tentative approval for own Internet suffix (CNN)
ICANN has tentatively approved .EU for the European Union.


Battle heats up for dominance in Web domains, by David Akin (National Post)
Some TLD wannabees are worried that competition and diversity in the nascent domain-name market will be stifled by goliaths who also seek the opportunity to run new TLDs.


Website .WS wages war on cybersquatting (Business Wire)
The .WS ccTLD registry will give organizations 90-day protection window to claim trademarked names-
Inching Toward Dot-Whatever, by Chris Oakes (Wired)
Afilias, a consortium of major Internet registrars, submitted a proposal for three new TLDs - .WEB,.SITE and .INFO.


Powerful Registrar Group Submits New Domain Bid, by David McGuire (Newsbytes)
An international consortium - operating under the name Aflilias is among the most heavily-backed entities vying to create a new top level domain expected to be approved later this year by ICANN.
New domain bids unveiled, by Brock Meeks (MSNBC)
ICANN received 47 proposals incorporating 200 new top level domain names.
Net businesses vying for control of new domains, by Patricia Jacobus (C/Net)
More than 40 Web businesses have applied to control a new collection of top level domains.


No Porn Wanted at .KIDS, by Oscar Cisneros (Wired)
.KIDS Domains has announced its bid to create a registry devoted to web pages free from porn and other content harmful to minors.
Registrar Consortium to Detail Plans For Domain Names, by Bob Liu (InternetNews)
A consortium of registrars has submitted an application to ICANN to sponsor a new top level domain.


ICANN may consider domain name for children, by Patricia Jacobus (C/Net)
San Diego father Page Howe has spent $500,000 for the address system application and set aside an additional $10 million to establish .KIDS
Image Online Design Strengthens Domain Name Bid by Adopting
ICANN Uniform Dispute Policy and Announcing Several Technical Upgrades. (IOD PR)


Domain Deficit, by Siona LaFrance (New Orleans Times-Picayune - September 28, 2000)
Entrepreneurs and individuals have been sucking up domain names at such a rapid pace that everyone from big stars to just-plain-folks will have to scramble if they want a dot-com to call their own.


Typosquatters turn flubs into cash, by Bob Sullivan (MSNBC)
Mistyping a name takes you to the wrong site and possibly to a hidden banner click that typosquatters cash in on.


Domain-Name disputes Get Personal, by Jayne Lytel (Washington Post)
An increasing number of cases find ordinary citizens defending the right to use their birth name as a domain name.


Ready to give up .COM? Didn't think so, by Matt Hicks (ZDNet)
Even with an expansion of new TLDs, .COM has significant cachet.
Dot-coms play the name game, by Matt Hicks (ZD-Net)
In an increasingly crowded ecommerce marketplace, the right name can be the basis for a successful brand-building effort.
Registrars Invited to Fight Against NSI, by Randy Barrett (ZDNet) is leading the charge to create The Registration Institute, to give accredited registrars an organized voice.
Some Dots Can't Be Trademarked, by Oscar S. Cisneros
As speculators use pre-registration schemes and trademark law to secure rights in future domain-name registries, the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California has ruled that .WEB and other gTLDs cannot be trademarked.
Internet Land Rush at TM Office, by Oscar S. Cisneros
Individuals and companies are filing trademark applications for trademarks that include domain names in yet-to-be-created top-level domains

9.15.00 Announces Acquisition of (BusinessWire) will acquire reseller for $10million plus 4.38 million shares of common stock.


More domain name craziness - .HM this time, by Kieren McCarthy (The Register)
The uninhabited (by humans) Heard and McDonald Islands have domain names for sale for $50 a year.


How Much for .brooklynbridge? by Oscar S. Cisneros (Wired)
Experts warn that consumers should be aware of the risks involved with buying a domain names under a TLD that has yet to be approved by ICANN.


Making Bad Names for Themselves, by David Streitfeld (Washington Post)
Companies are concerned about protecting the use of their brands in domain names to the point where they are even registering derogatory references.
Policy shift could disable secure servers, by Brian Livingston (C/Net)
ARIN generated complaints when it announced that to conserve IP addresses it will deny address blocks to ISPs that host a single Web site on a single IP address.


ICANN domain race is on, by Ben Charny (ZDNet)
After years of debate, the Internet's newest top level domains are up for grabs.


Cybersquatting: A Question of Bad Faith, by Larry Berglas (
Because of the rapid pace of the Internet, questions about cybersquatting constantly arise.


Trademarks Winning Domain Fights, by Laurie J. Flynn (NYTimes)
In the continuing battles between the owners of trademarks and individuals with Internet domain addresses identical to them or nearly so, the trademar owners appear to be prevailing.
Ministry to auction Chinese dot-coms, by Stephen Lawson, (IDG News)
The China International Trade Promotion Committee will auction off approximately 200 Chinese dot-com companies and their assets--domain names, technologies, Web content--to foreign as well as domestic bidders


China Decides Rules to Settle Domain Registration Disputes ( Xinhua News Agency) )
According to the new measures, registering names of existing companies by unaffiliated parties will not be allowed


Restoring balance in the battle over free expression on the Net, by Dan Gillmor (SJMercury
intellectual property rights increasingly are gaining supremacy over traditional values and liberties in an epic struggle for economic primacy in the new century.


ACFIP to Handle Troubles Concerning JP Domain Names (Asia Biz Tech)
The Arbitration Center for Industrial Property (ACFIP) will handle troubles concerning Japanese domain names, or addresses on the Internet, starting from Oct. 19.
NSI calls server failure a "major incident", by Bloomberg News (C/Net)
For 35 minutes, four of the world's 13 root servers briefly stopped responding to requests for links to Web sites ending in .COM, thought to have been caused by a technical glitch, not a malicious attack.
Profiteers get squat for Web names, by Jon Swartz (USA Today)
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) mediation center for intellectual propertyhas sided with trademark owners about 80% of the time since it began hearingUDRP cases in December 1999.


Parody sites sucked into cybersquatting squabbles, by Gwendolyn Mariano and Evan Hansen (C/Net)
According to a review of UDRP results, protest and parody sites that register Internet addresses based on trademarked corporate names are increasingly coming out on the losing end in domain name disputes
WIPO wipes out domain name rights, by Michael Geist (The Globe - August 24, 2000)
A UDRP arbitration provider had develped an expanded domain name dispute policies that could ultimately lead to thousands of new challenges.
WIPO madness round-up, by Kieren McCarthy (The Register)
Canada declares independence, by Peter Girard (Afternic)
Canada has invented its own ICANN, replete with its own registrar agreements, trademark policies, and dispute resolution system.
CIRA Urges .CA Domain Name Holders To Update Their Contact Information
More than 28,000 of the 180,000 administrative and technical contacts, whose information is contained in the .CA Registry, are unreachable via e-mail, according to the University of British Columbia, administrator of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority.


FREE.TV, CHINA.TV, NET.TV sold FOR $100,000 annual registration (BusinessWire)
DotTV has a hybrid pricing model where most .TV addresses are available on a first come first served basis for an initial annual registration fee of $50, while generic dictionary"names are available by auction.


Eugene Kashpureff, by Peter Girard (Afternic)
A profile of the founder of Alternic, the first alternative root server system.
CyberWorks domain sold for a million (ZDNet)
Venture Catalyst Inc. agreed to sell CYBERWORKS.COM and .NET to Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited, the Hong Kong based technology flagship of Pacific Century Group for $1 million.


Internet Registrar Consortium Wants To Run New Domain, by David McGuire (Newsbytes)
A consortium of accredited registrars is vying to operate one of the new TLDs that ICANN will approve by the end of the year.


Media Industry Gains Ground in Domain Name War, But Cyber Interlopers About to Open New Front , by Greg Lindsay (Inside)
Armed with a cheap and effective arbitration process--the UDRP--media companies have stepped up their battle against cybersquatters for domains using variations of their corporate names
Network Solutions Accused over Internet Names (Quicken News)
Critics are claiming that NSI is hoarding unpaid names to make a profit instead of returning them to the available pool.


CIRA begins certifying Registrars (CIRA)
Certification by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority lays the groundwork for introduction of new .ca Domain registration process.
Cybersquatting rules delayed - WIPO, by Steven Bonisteel (Newsbytes)
WIPO has pushed back its deadline for public comments on a proposal to fine-tune what constitutes cybersquatting.


Legal Tips For Your 'Sucks' Site, by Oscar S. Cisneros (Wired)


Domain battle heats up, by Thor Olavsrud (Internet News)
REGISTER.COM launched NAMEDEMO.COM, a service offering free one-year "test drives" of .COM, .NET and .ORG domains.


Cyber-Squatter Gives Site to Gore Ticket, by Ben White (Washington Post)
A 20-year old Orthodox Jew offered to give the Gore campaign the domain name GORELIEBERMAN.COM,


Controversy rises over neo-Nazi domain names, by Rick Perera, IDG News
DENIC eG (Deutsches Network Information Center), which administers the top-level domain .DE, deleted the domain name HEIL-HITLER.DE, which is an illegal greeting in Germany.


Dot-com meet dot-biz, by Jon Swartz (USA Today)
ICANN is soliciting bids from firms that want to run new top level domain registries.


Is. BIZ the .COM of the Future? by Oscar S. Cisneros (Wired)
ICANN has received 29 expressions of interest in starting up new TLDs.


Tucows debuts Dot Moo Domain (Tucows)
ICANN-accredited registrar Tucows launched a public demonstration of its OpenXRS (Open Extensible Registry System) registry management solution with .MOO, a mock TLD


Wholesalers Make Hay in Domain Name Deregulation, by Max Smetannikov (Inter@ctive Week)
The price of registering a domain name has been slashed from $35 to $8 in some instances, thanks to a new breed of companies focusing on the wholesale market.


Rival Grabs Chunk of Domain Market, by Brian McWilliams (InternetNews)
In the quarter ending June 30th, ICANN accredited registrar BulkRegister moved into the second spot, but still far behind Network Solutions


ICAAN't Believe That Domain Name, by Oscar S. Cisneros (Wired)
With more than 1,000 domain squabbles decided, legal experts say that the Uniform Domain Dispute Resolution Process (UDRP) is in need of some tweaking.


NSI Commandeers Deadbeat Domains, by Chris Oakes (Wired)
Competitors and customers of registrar Network Solutions accused the company of using unfair tactics to take competitive control over elapsed domain names.


Democrats nab Bush-Cheney domain name (C/Net)
Minutes after George W. Bush announced his running mate, Democrats put up a Web site detailing Dick Cheney's conservative voting record at BUSH-CHENEY.NET.
Dot-whatever, here we come, by John S. McCright (ZDNet)
ICANN will begin accepting applications for whatever top level domains they deem respectable enough to carry the valued dot.
Three new gTLDs, by T. Byfield (TBTF)
Scuttlebut says the three new gTLDs that ICANN will deploy are: .EU, a regional registry for the European Union; .BANC, chartered for retail financial institutions; and .ENUM for mapping telephone numbers onto the DNS.
Channel Islands balk at 'domain tax, by Mark Ward (BBC News)
The governments of the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark have condemned ICANN'S demand for payments as a "domain name tax" that is "completely inappropriate".
Turkey pong protestors turn cybersquatter, by Linda Harrison (The Register)
A group of Norfolk villagers bagged the domain name BERNARD-MATTHEWS.COM to protest a Bernard Matthews stinky turkey farm.


Are you ready for Dot Sucks? by Jesse Berst (ZDNet)
ICANN will get to decide who gets new TLDs and how to handle messy trademark issues.


NSI accused by rivals of hoarding domain names, by Brian Livingston (C/Net)
Figures from other registrars show Network Solutions is hoarding for itself at least 1 million expired names,


Numeric domain name system launched, by Linda Harrison (The Register)
Some Cambridge businessmen have launched a numeric-based domain name based on Bango numbers which can be keyed in instead of any URL via a download from the site.
WIPO to Probe New Issues Relating to Domain Name Abuse (WIPO)
WIPO has just established a list for discussion of its second study on the "bad faith, abusive, misleading or unfair use" of: Personal names; International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) for Pharmaceutical Substances; Names of international intergovernmental organizations; Geographical indications, geographical terms, or indications of source; and Tradenames.


Protecting Internet Addresses of National Banks,by Clifford A. Wilke (Bank Technology Division)
The U,S. Treasury Department's Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, issued an alert calling for banks to take caution in safeguarding their domain name, as it appears a growing number of online banking customers are sending sensitive financial information to the wrong bank.


The solution to cybersquatting, by Kieren McCarthy (The Register)
How about a standard, instantly recognizable button that links to the page of another site that has legitimate nexus to the same domain name.


Free Geeks Want Good Gnus, by Declan McCullagh (Wired)
The Free Software Foundation has expressed interest in having a .GNU TLD dedicated to open-source projects and programming.


Without a Net Loss: Network Solutions' Litigation Chief Is Winning the Dot-Com Name Games, by Jennifer Bier (
Phil Sbarbaro is the lawyer who boasts nearly100 victories in court on behalf of NSI.


Groups cite bias in domain name arbitration (C/Net)
A new coalition says legitimate mom-and-pop e-businesses are losing their domain names to larger companies at an alarming rate.


Domain name auction row, by Mark Ward (BBC News)
Registrants who do not settle their debts before 5 July willl be forced into an auction for their own domain name by registrar, Network Solutions.


Court Clarifies Domain Protections, by Clint Boulton (
A federal California court ruled trademark and service mark protections did not apply to the .WEB top level domain.


Whom to Sue for Hack? by Craig Bicknell (Wired)
A hijacker redirected all the traffic from NIKE.COM through Web servers in the U.K., bogging them down and costing Smith's web hosting company time and money.


Belgian asks $1.5 billion for domain names, by Tim Richardson (Register)
Dr Lieven Van Neste has spent $2 million on his collection of 100,000 domain names which he now plans to auction to the highest bidder.


New Domains at Last, by Aaron Pressman (Industry Standard)
Despite some opposition from big business, it looks like Web sites will soon have more names from which to choose.
NSI Commandeers Deadbeat Domains, by Chris Oakes (Wired)
NSI sent an email to registrants of past-due domain accounts that, unless they pay up, the registrar will sell their domain names to the highest bidder on its new domain name auction site.


Network Solutions in Another Hijacking Controversy, by Scott Clark (
Three more domain names were hijacked over the weekend: NIKE, Violence Policy Center'


Nike Site Hit With Redirect Attack, by Matthew G. Nelson and George V. Hulme (InformationWeek)
Call for WIPO to wipe out cybersquatters (DCA Media Release)
Australia's Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts called on WIPO to develop voluntary guidelines and policies to prevent cybersquatting.
Entredomains Offers New Service (CNNfn-Press Release)
Entredomains will register all variations of domain names on any companies behalf for a flat fee of $3,000 plus registration fee for companies who they think they need this service to protecdt the use of their marks.


NSI Registry Buys Domain Name Software Company, by Michael P. Bruno (Washtech)
Network Solutions Registry acquired Bethesda, Md.- based Acme Byte and Wire LLC, one of the world's leading specialists in the BIND software that is used to resolve all Internet domain names.
Hackers take over Nike Web site, by Associated Press (C/Net)
Webjackers Do It to Nike (Wired)
A web hosting service, struggling under the onslaught of Nike's redirected traffic, takes the company to task.


Company buys joke domain name (C/Net)
An April Fool's spoof about a dot com company turned into an unexpected bonanza for the author, who sold the fanciful domain name to a company with a similar concept.


Not masters of their domain, by Robert Thompson (National Post)
Celebrities and companies find their names have been registered as domain names, resulting in a flood of lawsuits pitting business against the right to free speech.

06.15.00 scrambles to close security hole, by Stephen Shankland (C/Net)
The second-largest .COM registrar has acknowledged a security problem that would allow people to hijack others' Web sites.


For Want of $35, J.P. Morgan Loses Its Web Site and E-Mail, by Patrick McGeehan (NYT)
A bank worth $21 billion had its access to its domain name suspended for failure to pay its $35 annual renewal fee.
Security firm warns of outdated software, by Jim Hu and Evan Hansen (C/Net)
An Australian security firm said 30 percent of the computers controlling the domain name system are vulnerable to "denial of service" and other attacks because they are running software that is outdated or not meant for commercial release.


Even Big Domain Names Aren't Hard to Hijack, by Alex Salkever (Business Week)
Both and had their Net addresses heisted --raising questions about the company guarding them

06.12.00 Brokers the BEAUTY.CC Domain Name For A Record-Breaking $1 Million Dollars (YahooNews)
Marketplace for domain names sets an all-time industry record for .CC TLD.


Senator Seeks .SEX , by Declan McCullagh (Wired)
Senator Joseph Lieberman wants the U.S. government to shield children from sexually explicit material by creating a new top-level domain such as ".SEX" or ".XXX."


NSI's Webjacking Epidemic, by Craig Bicknell (Wired)
Last weekend, a thief armed with nothing more than a fax machine and a piece of paper made off with MecklerMedia's 1300 domain names.


Kiwis Lift Lid on #*!@&! Domains, by Kim Griggs (Wired)
A long-time New Zealand ban on seven words deemed too offensive to register as part of a domain name has been removed.
Registration rules changing for .CA,, by Jill Vardy (National Post)
After the Canadian Internet Registration Authority takes over, domain name registration will basically be first-come, first-served.


Domain pirates continue rampage, by Bob Sullivan (MSNBC)
Hijackers continue to pilfer Internet domain names, including INTERNET.COM over the weekend.


Domain Hijacking Raises Security Issue, by Scott Clark (InternetNews)
The theft of two domains highlights the authorization schemes that are in place to protect domain owners.
Free .NET from Network Solutions
NSI has launched a free trial .net package with a free .NET domain name and personalized email for 90 days, and $40/year subsequently.
UK businessman rejects £4.4 million offer for domain that cost only £63, by Robert Jaques
A Brit turned down an offer to purchase E-BUY.COM, explaining he wants to estalish an Internet retail service using that name.


The Hijacking of, by Reuters (Wired)
Domain hijackers m changed the official owner of to Billy Tandoko of Jakarta, Indonesia and explosed flaws in the Internet's security.
Domain names hijacked in brazen new Net scam (Toronto Star)
Two Internet-based companies - one in Toronto, the other in Hong Kong - have had their Web names ``stolen'' in what may be an international computer domain name laundering scam.


\Web sites "stolen" by hackers, by Bob Sullivan (MSNBC)
Crafty computer criminals plucked WEB.NET and BALI.COM right out of the database where Internet addresses are reserved.
NSI Donates Names to Beijing (CNNfn)
The world's largest registrar donated 300 free domain name registrations to China Telecom.


High-tech Name Fizzles for Tiny Oregon Town, by Amalie Young (SF Chronicle)
Residents of the small Oregon city that renamed itself HALF.COM have noticed little increase in tourism as a result.


The future of domain names, by Shiladitya Niyogi (SiliconIndia)
Because there is only a limited pool of meaningful domain names, they have become valuable to the extent that they now comprise cornerstones of billion dollar business ideas.


Freer system to spark cyber battles, by Laura Landon (Ottawa Citizen)
A University of Ottawa law professor differentiates cyberspeculators from cybersquatters,


In New Forum for Domain Name Disputes, Trademark Holders Dominate, by Jeri Clausing (NYT)
Arbitrators working under a dispute resolution system established by ICANN may not be following the narrow parameters established for reassigning domain names.
Trademark owners may get millions of new names, by Briad Livingston (C/Net)
A new proposal would give trademark owners first dibs on 20 variations of their mark as domain names when new gTLDs are introduced.


Global Internet Investments Purchases, And (CNNfn)
With this acquisition, Global Internet Investments becomes the third largest database of hosted domain names in the world.


Telecoms' power blocks wireless domain rush, by John Borland (C/Net)
Because navigating the Web with a mobile phone is more difficult than with a PC, the land rush for key domain names that marked the mid-1990s is not paying dividends in the wireless arena.
Few Net surfers use RealNames' keyword service, by Paul Festa (C/Net)
After three years on the Web, comparatively few people actually use the lookup service offered by RealNames.
You've Heard of the .TV and .WS ccTLDs, Get Ready for .GOD, by Scott Clark (InternetNews)
Unsatisified with how the current domain registration business was going, a technical entrepreneur created a new TLD registry for .GOD.


Flood of Trademark Applications Shows That the Web Is the Place to Be, by Sabra Chartrand (NYTimes)
A study found that in 1999, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office received 33,731 applications for trademarks that covered an Internet-related product or service compared to only 307 in 1994.


Web registrars may take back your domain name, by Brian Livingston (C/Net)
Network Solutions' Service Agreement gives the company sweeping rights over domain name registrations.


Network Solutions help owners resell Web domain names, by Monica Summers (Yahoo Finance)
NSI annunced that registrants can now list web addresses for sale through its website.


EU: The European Union approves ".eu" Internet domain (iPlanet)
The Council of Ministers unanimously approved the European Commission's proposition to create a .EU domain name.


The Domain Name Brain Drain, by Keith Regan (E-Commerce Times)
When more Internet traffic ends up moving over wireless, is it likely that users be typing URLs into their handheld devices and cell phones?


Domain name wars heat up, by Michael Geist (GlobeTechnology)
A look at the 5-month old Uniform Dispute Resolution Process


RealNames' Mission: Simple Words to Surf the Web, by Dominic Gates (Industry Standard)
RealNames markets a technology for using common words instead of URLs to navigate the Web.


Network Solutions Chooses IBM for Heart of Internet (NSI PR)
NSI selected IBM to provide the high performance servers that will power the "A" root name server.


Network Solutions Wants 2 More Top-Level Domains, by Keith Perine (IStandard)
NSI sent ICANN a paper recommending tow new TLDs be introduced as "proof of concept"--".shop,"opened to all registrants, and ".banc," specifically for use by banks and other financial institutions.
Domain War Motive a Guess, by Chris Oakes (Wired)
Was the recent rash of domain-name hijackings really part of a Balkan info-war?


No Three-letter .COM Names Left, by Stefan Friedman (NY Post)
As of April, all three letter combinations of domain names had been registered as a .COM.
Online whines with a bitter aftertaste , by Greg Farrell (Marin Independent Journal)
Dan Parisi has spent approximately $100,000 to register the domain names of more than 500 of the world's largest companies plus the "" suffix, to create a giant portal that will serve as a clearinghouse for consumer and worker rants, raves and indiscriminate corporate caterwauling.


Internet Address Expansion Stirring Controversy, by Brenda Sandburg (CalLaw)
Some companies want to restrict new addresses to protect their trademarks, but others say that may violate antitrust laws.


Balkan War in Domain Attacks? by Chris Oakes (Wired)
Individuals listing Serbian and Albanian postal addresses in recent weeks have exploited a weakness and appropriated names registered through Network Solutions.


Network Solutions Surpasses 10 Million Domain Name Registrations (NSI)
Network Solutions has registered more than two million domain nmaes this year, which is twice as many names in the past three months than its 30 competitors did in all of 1999.
NSI Taps AOL for Crucial New Domain Hosting Service, by Patricia Fusco (InternetNews)
Network Solutions Inc. selected America Online Inc. to host the first two new top-level domain name servers for leading Internet registry.
Italy Prepares Crackdown on Cybersquatters, by Philip Willan (Industry Standard)
A legislative proposal expected to be approved by Parliament within three months, would protect Italian company trademarks and cities' and people's names from domain speculators.


NSI cracks down on domain name payments, by Adam Feuerstein (Upside Today)
NSI is now demanding payment for all domain name registrations, including those unpaid from October 1999.
Where is WHOAMI.COM? by Chris Oakes (Wired)
Solid Oak Software lost control over its domain Saturday to someone in Serbia, using the registrants contact information to change all the registration information for the WHOAMI.COM domain.
Stealing (FillmForce)
INDIANAJONES.COM is just one of over 2,000 hijacked this week reportedly due to a hole in NSI's domain management software.


Hong Kong's domain name game, by Stephen Lawson (CNN)
Registrants in the .HK top level domain are rarely granted requests for more than one name.


Nomenclature: Sweden Squelches Dot-Com Craze, by Polly Sprenger (Industry Standard)
The Swedish patent and trademark office no longer registers company names that use Internet buzzwords such as .COM. or .SE
Net names get linked to toll-free numbers, by Patricia Jacobus (C/Net)
New York-based will launch a service that allows online businesses to match their Internet addresses with toll-free telephone numbers.
Net regulators close in on rogue domains, by Graham Lea (The Register)
Cybersquatters are facing defeat as a result of ICANN's Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy.


Pacific Island Hits Internet Letters Jackpot, by Karen Kaplan (L.A. Times)
A new start-up, called DotTV, agreed to pay the tiny island of Tuvalu $50 million in royalties--or about three times the country's gross domestic product--over the next decade so it can register domain names in the .TV top level domain.,


Network Solutions Releases Domain Name Data (Newsbytes)
The world's largest registrar will release monthly statistics that provide a snapshot of the industires moving online.
Intellectual property laws in flux, by Lisa M., Bowen (ZDNet)
A panel of law professors speaking at a Computer Freedom and Privacy Conference said individual rights are being chipped away as corporations work to expand intellectual property laws in cyberspace.


Sweden halts dotcom name craze, by Nicholas George (Financial Times)
The Swedish patents and registration office, PRV, has banned new companies from including in their names not only .com but .se, the country's domain name, and any company names that include www and the sign @.
Don't pay off a cybersquatter! by Marc. E. Brown, Esq. (Electronic Business)
Both the Anticybersquatting Act and ICANN Policy target the "bad faith" registration and use of domain names.
Truth, Justice and the Dot-Com Wars, by Laura Pearlman (Law News Network)
The $17 billion sale of Network Solutions to VeriSign represented more than irrational exuberance in the marketplace
Extending their Domain, by Laura Pearlman (Law News Network)
The $17 billion stock acquisition of NSI by VeriSign is the largest deal ever involving two Internet companies and would create the third-largest Internet company,


Net girl renames town (Pokeno, New Zealand)
The New Zealand town of Pokeno renamed itself to display the success of a local lingerie entrepreneur.


Tip of the Dot-Com Backlash? by Chris Oakes (Wired)
Cheeky anti dot-com stickers have appeared on the streets of San Francsico.
Registry Glitch Derails Domain Offer, by Elizabeth Clampet (InternetNews)
Those looking to register free domains during a one hour promotion sponsored by registrar Name Engine were denied access due to a blamed on a glitch in Network Solutions' registry.


Trading Web domain for real one, by Michele Guido (San Jose Mercury)
A Palo Alto woman has offered to trade the domain name THISWIREDHOUSE.COM and/or ETAKE-OUT.COM for a year or two of free rent.


Domain Complaint Targets NSI, by Chris Oakes (Wired)
A complaint was filed alleging that the world's largest registar unfairly registered WWWHOIS.COM, an address based on the domain lookup service offered by the plaintiff.


Who's frst in line for new domains? by Brock N. Meeks (MSNBC)
"Pioneers" seek preferential treatment on alternative Internet domain-name registries.
Yankee legislators, stay home, by Graham Lea (Register)
NSI is accused of failing to regulate properly, and abusing its monopoly power by encouraging companies to register for .com, .net and .org suffixes


New Domain Arbitration Rules Get Results, by John Caher (New York Law Journal)
In the first domain name disputes filed under the UDRP arbitration procedures, a NY retailer has won the cyberspace rights to his trademark, Musicweb.
What do Rolex, Brad Pitt and Llanwrthwl have in common? by Linda Harrison (The Register)
A 26-year old U.K. entrepreneur netted £25,000 for the sale of one gambling domain, BETTINGSERVICE.COM.


NetSol Hit with $1.7 Bil Suit, by Lynn Burke (Wired)
Network Solutions was slammed with a class action lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, that seeks over $800 million in domain-name registration fee refunds and another $900 million in antitrust damages.


New top level domains on the way? by Brock Meeks
ICANN agreed to study proposals for introducing up to 10 new generic top level domains.


Resolution firm accused of conflict of interest, by David Akin (National Post)
eResolution, an independent arbiter of Internet domain-name disputes filed its own UDRP Ucomplaint which creates a conflict of interest that could threaten its business model and imperil attempts to settle such disputes. See also UDRP Proceedings.
Clickey Announces New Type of Domain Search Engine, by Scott Clark (InternetNews)
Clickey launched its new search engine, designed to list only those sites with the requested search word in the domain name.
Want a top-level domain? Be patient, by Lisa M. Bowman IZDNet)
ICANN is treading cautiously toward the introduction of new generic top-level domains.


Domain Arbitration Already Drawing Critics, by Brian McWilliams (InternetNews)


VeriSign to Acquire Network Solutions (MarketWatch)
Shares of Network Solutions rocketed after VeriSign said it will buy the Internet domain registrar in a stock-swap deal valued at about $21 billion.
VeriSign acquires Network Solutions for $21B (CNNfn)
The agreement calls for VeriSign to issue 2.15 of its shares for each share of Network Solutions stock of record, prior to a planned 2-for-1 split set for March 10.
VeriSign Acquires Network Solutions to Form World's Largest Provider of Internet Trust Services (NSI)
VeriSign deal means little to small domain owners, by David Plotnikoff (San Jose Mercury)
Master of Domains: VeriSign Buys Network Solutions, by Ben Hammer and Keith Perine (Industry Standard)


U.S. Dept. of Commerce Accused of Catering to Special Interests, by Scott Clark (Internet News)
The International Congress of Independent Internet Users (ICIIU) sent a letter to top goverment officials, accusing the U.S. Department of Commerce and its National Telecommunications and Information Administration of being engaged in an illicit process to turn over regulatory control of the Internet to special interests. Enjoys its IP-Whoa! by Keith Perine (Industry Standard)
An initial public offering of 5 million shares boosted's stock priceto $57.25, up $33.25 or 138.54 percent.


.COM, .ORG, and .SUCKS? by Michelle Goldberg (Industry Standard)
Ralph Nader's Consumer Project for Technology will submit proposed new top level domain names to ICANN to facilitate free speech and criticism and enable consumers and others to organize.
A Ralph Nader Plan that "Sucks", by Declan McCullagh (Wired)
Ralph Nader's organization sent a letter to ICANN asking permission to set 10 new top-level domains, including .union, .sucks, .ecology, and .complaints.
Majority of Fortune 500 Have More of Their Domain Names Pirated Than They Actually Own (YahooNews)
A study released by Name Engine shows that 265 of the Fortune 500 companies have acquired fewer of their own trademark and brand names as domains than have been registered by other parties,


Domains would push social agendas, by Brock Meeks (MSNBC)
A Ralph Nader-backed consumer group has proposed the creation of several new Internet domain--.SUCKS, .UNIONS, .COMPLAINTS among them--to facilitate free speech and criticism and provice information for organized labor.


JPNIC's Approach Regarding Multilingual Domain Names - DRAFT (JPNIC)
JPNIC is to study Japanese domain names, trying to start registration of these domain names within the year 2000.
Hundreds of Net disputes Taken to International Mediation, by Jeri Clausing (NYT)
More than 175 UDRP proceedings have been filed in the last three months, involving more than 200 domain names.


Domain Registry to be privatised (Irish Times/CNN)
The .IE Domain Registry (IEDR), the authority responsible for the allocation of Irish Internet domain names, will become a private company by the end of March and will, for the first time, accept the registration of generic names. Goes to the Highest Bidder (Internet News)
British playboy Steve Hill has purchased the CINEMA.COM domain name for $700,000.
Playboy pays $700K for CINEMA.COM, by Linda Harrison (The Register)


Dot-com addiction, by Damien Cave (Salon)
The resolution of a few domain-name disputes offers some breathing room in the crowded Net name arena but this may not be enough.


Ex-IBM Official Joining Network Solutions, by Jeri Clausing (NYT)
Network Solutions announced that Roger Cochetti was leaving IBM to become its new chief policy officer.

02.14.00 Sued Over Telemarketing, by Brian McWilliams (InternetNews)
Automated calls were made to contact phone numbers listed in the Whois database to play a recorded message promoting Bulkregisters' low-price domain registration service.
Pacific Islands seek control of Internet designations, by Jeri Clausing (NYT)
Acting on a petition signed by all but two of Pitcairn's 49 adult inhabitants, the U.S. government and ICANN gave .PN back to the island community.
Domain Dispute Hits a Dot, by Declan McCullagh (Wired)
Native residents of Pitcairn Island signed a petition to revoke .PN from a fellow islander who in 1997 somehow managed to acquire rights to register Web sites under that top-level domain.

Big bucks URL is the business(.com), by Linda Harrison (The Register)

BofA Paid Big Bucks for Domain (Wired)
BofA said buying LOANS.,COM was a strategic investment aimed at strengthening its position as the leading provider of loans in the United States.
'Whois' Is Safe at First (Wired)
Internet service provider Verio applied for a trademark on WHOIS, a term in the public domain for nearly two-decades to describe a phonebook-like Internet database
Protect your Domain With a U.S. Trademark, by Internetwire (CNNfn)
Pedigree, Inc. has launched I-TMARK.COM, which lets a user choose and register a doman name and initiate a trademark registration at the USPTO.
Whois Trademark Plans Stall, by Brian McWilliams
Trademark examiners rejected the Colorado-based ISP's application for a service mark on Whois in a notice of non-final action.
Regulation: Web hallmark scheme for City firms, by James Mackintosh (FT.COM)
Banks and financial companies could be given special internet addresses to The UK Financial Services Authority wants to add the subdomain .FIN.UK for companies it regulates and make it easier for consumers to spot online fraudsters,
Dot-EU to challenge dot-com? by Elizabeth de Bony (CNN)
The European Commission will propose the creation of .EU as a top domain name, reflecting concerns that it is losing out on the Internet.
LOANS.COM Domain Name Sells for 3 Million, by AP (NYTimes)
A Silicon Valley computer consultant sold the Internet domain name for $3 million in cash at an auction on January 28.
Solving the dot-com glut, by Keith Perine (Industry Standard)
The prospect of expanding the list of top-level domains beyond .COM, .NET and .ORG is of great concern to the trademark community.
How long is too long? by Elizabeth Clampet (InternetNews)
A number of domain name registrars have enabled users to register names as long as 67 characters.
E.U. Wants a Top Domain Name, by Elizabeth de Bony (Industry Standard)
The European Commission is proposing the creation of .EU as a new top domain name for members of the European Union.
The perils and promise of international domain naming, by Fred Baker (CNN)
A grass-roots effort within the Internet Engineering Task Force hopes to develop an internationalized Domain Name System (iDNS).
Fight Over Web Names Drags On (Yahoo Business)
Important changes to the Internet architecture, such as adding new suffixes for Web addresses, remain at least one year away
Whose Name Is It? by Allison B. Ebe (PC World)
Cybersquatter changes position on domain name disputes.
Firm accused of net name piracy (BBC News)
A company, Webhound Ltd., has been accused of piracy after bulk buying the internet names of 15,000 British villages.
Push Computing, Inc. Purchases '' Domain Name for $125K Cash (PRNewswire)
Longer domain names: anarchy,com, by Patrick Thibodeau (CNN)
A new domain rush is on as a handful of registrars are allowing customers to register names up to 63 characters in length. Domain To Be Auctioned With an Opening Bid of $250,000, by PRNewswire (CNNfn)
Bids starting at $250,000 are being accepted through January 31st for the domain, which is being offered by Neal Sutz.
NetSol Free of Antitrust Charges, by Reuters (Wired)
The 2nd district court affirmed that the activities of NSI were immune from antitrust liability, and that Internet domain names did not constitute protected speech under the First Amendment. See Courts.
Internet domain registrations skyrocket (Korea Herald)
The news of the KOREA.COM sale to Thrunet Co. for $5 million has sparked a surge in .KR Internet domain registrations.
Going over domain names, by Mike Cassidy (San Jose Mercury)
A journalist editorializes on domain name trafficking.
Stanford move rekindles Net address debate, by Carolyn Duffy Marsan (Network World Fusion)
How severe is the shortage of Internet addresses and will innovative short-term measures help stretch the supply until IPv6 provides a wealth of new ones?
Lycos and Sign $10 Million Exclusive Agreement to Deliver Affordable, High Quality Domain Name Services, by Business Wiire (CNNfn)
Lycos and NameSecure announced an exclusive e-commerce alliance for the accredited registrar to make quality, affordable domain name registration services available to the more than 29 million unique monthly visitors to the Lycos Network.
Newly Formed Domain Name Registration Business, Dotster Inc., Announces Launch Of Its Web Site And Signs First Major Contract (CNNfn)
On its first day of business, Dotster, Inc., an ICANN-accredited registrar, signed a contract to register more than 35,000 domain names for an undisclosed client.
Europe plans rival American dominance challenged by .EU suffix, by The Guardian (CNNfn)
European Union officials say that a .EU TLD would allow businesses all over Europe to have their own dedicated internet domain name, dramatically boosting e-commerce within the single market if the proposals are approved.
Increase in web domain in US (CNNfn)
More than 30,000 domains are registered daily in the U.S,
Protocol helps stretch PIv4 addresses, by Mike Bordella (CNN)
A new technique called Realm-Specific Internet Protocol (RSIP) promises to extend the reach of the IPv4 address space through a public-to-private address translation technique.
Domain customers chagrined by registration glitches, by Patricia Jacobus (C/Net)
Having complained for years over the lack of competition in the domain registration business, many Net entrepreneurs are discovering that competition and choices alone do not guarantee better service or greater accountability.
Bulk confusion at BulkRegister, by KristenPhilipkoski (Wired)
Accredited registrar BuklRegister allegedly released several domain names that were already registered and were registered again through different registrars to other cusotmers within 48 hours.
Using "Linux" in a domain name, by Linus Torvalds (Linux Today)
The author of the popular Linux software explains why he is policing the use of his trademark.
U.S. Supreme Court Affirms Network Solutions' Role by Denying Thomas Petition (Stockpoint)
The U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition by William Thomas, et al, challenging the company's right to charge fees for its registration services. (See Legal),1087,3_286521,00.html
Domain Registrations Extended (Wired)
Effective January 15, 2000, all ICANN-accredited registrars can offer domain name registrations up to ten years,.
Is domain name system vulnerable to slamming? by Carolyn Duffy Marsan (Network World)
If domain-name slamming-- the unauthorized transfer of customers from one company to another-- becomes common, companies risk losing ownership of their domain names during registration-oriented transactions, critics charge.
HK firms start registering Chinese domain names, by Stephen Lawson (IDG)
Companies in Hong Kong and some Southeast Asian countries now can register domain names that are rendered in Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters, instead of in Western alphabets and Arabic numerals.
Web Surfers Snap Up SmithKline, Glaxo Addresses, by Reuters (YahooNews)
A search of the domain name database reveals that the most obvious choices of domain names for the new merger of the British CompaniesSmithKline and Glaxo have been registered.
Computer Glitch Gives Canadian Microsoft Web Site (Excite News)
Due to a SRA glitch, Chris Gronski, 31, was able to register and other leading domain names for about 35 seconds.
Your money or Your Name, by Brett N. Dorny (CIO)
Laws change to grapple with sticky issues of electronic kidnapping and extortion.
The Hijacking of the Hun, by Joanna Glasner (Wired)
Porn site THEHUN.NET has been the target of scams to acquire the domain registration by unauthorized transfer.
Own the Amazon Domain--Not! (Wired}
For about 1.5 hours, a glitch in NSI's messaging system told prospective registrants that well-known domain names such as AMAZON.COM and YAHOO.COM were available.
Every Domain Name Available. Limited Time Only, by Elizabeth Clampet (InternetNews)
Network Solutions Inc.'s web site suffered from an embarrassing bug when the frequently used search form showed that virtually any domain name was available.
Linux Domains Up for Auction, by Elizabeth Clampet (Internet News)
Domain broker,, listed more than 150 domain names contining the word "Linux" up for sale at auction.
The First High-Speed Bulk Domain Name Registration Service Launches Worldwide (CNNfn)
INWW (Internet Names WorldWide), a division of Melbourne IT, will launch the world's first high- speed bulk registration service to register more than 1000 names per hour.
AOL Tries to Cover All the Bases in Securing Many Domain Names, by Bloomberg News (NYTimes)
The day before its historic acquisition of Time-Warner, AOL registered 21 domain names it felt might be useful to the new company.
Verio Opens Domain Registration Service, by Mark Smetannikov (Inter@ctive Week)
Verio launched its domain registration service and invested $3.6M in ICANN-accredited registrar Melborne IT.
Domain name registrars slash prices (BizReport)
Tucows is lowering registration prices from $13 to $10, while plans to do volume rebates for long-term registrations.
Domain name rule relaxed (Budapest Sun)
Hungary's Council of Internet Service Providers will lift several restrictions concerning Hungarian. HU Internet domain names starting March 1, but registrars would still retai power to deny approval for "obviously misleading" names.
Missed the Domain Name Bus? Wait for .SHOP and .INC, by Lubna Kably (Economic Times)
The year 2000 may witness the emergence of new generic top level domains.
Widespread domain hack hits Emory University, others, by Patricia Jacobus (C/Net)
A hacker tapped inth NSI's registry and changed at least nine Net addresses redirecting users to the Web site of a New Jersey company called
Domains Hijacked from NSI, by Chris Oakes (Wired)
Domain name prices drop, by Carolyn Duffy Marsan
Two newly accredited domain name registrars - TUCOWS and - announced wholesale pricing schemes as well as multiyear registration terms.
Cybersquatting Bill Wins 'Cyberserk Award' by Jeri Clausing (NYTimes)
The bill passed by the 106th Congress last year to outlaw the peddling of domain names incorporating trademarks has won the 1999 Cyberserk Award, a satirical honor that is bestowed annually by the authors of the Domain Name Handbook.
More Weapons to Defend Internet Domain Names, by Sabra Chartrand (NY Times)
ICANN has added state and common law trademarks to the federally registered trademarks that already qualify as precedent for determining ownership of a domain name.
Software error allows 845 improper domain names, by Kathleen Olson (CNN)
Registrations of domain names with a trailing dash were accepted because of five new registrars improperly implemented filtering software, according to NSI.
Revoking of 'dash' domains begins, by Jennifer Mack (YahooNews)
The process of revoking more than 800 domain names ending with a dash mark began, just days after ICANN approved the decision.
Domain names get with .IT, by Tim Richardson (The Register)
The easy availability of .IT (Italy) domains in Britain could lead to a stampede for expletive-style Web addresses when the service is launched.
Internet Speculators Seek Easy Domain Name Sale Profits (Internet Wire)
Web domain collectors are popping up in large numbers, posting dozens or even hundreds of domains for sale from their websites.
Registrars may have to revoke net names, by Patricia Jacobus (C/Net),4,1515860,00.html
ICANN's President said that the registration of domain names with a trailing dash "was a mistake" and that the registrations would be revoked.
Cybersquatter Mends His Ways, by Scott Clark (Internet News),1087,10_275851,00.html
After registering about 1,500 domain names hoping to resell them at a profit, a cybersquatter wants to transfer the names to their "rightful" owners.
Master of your "imminent"domain, by Greg Keiser (MSNBC)
You better have a address for your business or you'll be left
Domain Names Revoked Over Extra Character, by Jeri Clausing (NYTimes)
ICANN is revoking more than 800 new domain names because a software bug enabled people to register names with a trailling dash, in violation of a long-standing policy. to offer 10-year Net name registrations, by Patricia Jacobus (C/Net) is the first ICANN-accredited registrar to offer 10 year domain name registrations.
Year2000.COM domain goes up for sale--again, by Troy Wolverton (C/Net)
The registrants of Year2000.COM will hold a private sale for the domain name, after receiving several $ million-plus prank bids on eBay,
Year 2000 Bids were Bogus, by Andy Patrizio (Wired),1367,33455,00.html
The $10 million eBay bid for YEAR2000.COM, and the lower bids in the $1-million range were all bogus and presumably part of a prank,
Mindspring, NSI team on global domain domain system, by Magret Johnston
NSI and MindSpring announced plans to cooperate on the sale of country code top-level domain names.
01.04.00 Releases its 1999 Domain Brokers of the Year (Business Wire)
YEAR2000.COM auction on eBay found a hoax, by Troy Wolverton (C/Net)
eBay reported that the record $10 million bid for Web address YEAR2000.COM turned out to be a prank.
The Domain's the Game When Arguing a Name of Fame, by Bill Pietrucha (Internet News),1934,2101_273011,00.html
NSI launched a new site at to provide an easy roadmap to ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy.
Network Solutions Takes Domain Disputes Online, by Clint Boulton (InternetNews),1087,3_272301,00.html
Domain name registrar NSI launched
DOMAINMAGISTRATE.COM, which will enable clients to resolve cybersquatting disputes online under ICANN's Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy.
Domain Sell Stands to Set New Record, by Cyrus Afzali (InternetNews),1087,3_271691,00.html
The domain YEAR2000.COM sold for a record $10 millon by online auctioneer eBay.
Record domain sale--prank or profit? by Denise Duclax (ZDNet),4586,2416048,00.html
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 The Domain Name Handbook: High Stakes and Strategies in Cyberspace
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