- Si
a jure discedas vagus eris, et erunt omnia omnibus
- If
you depart from the law, you'll wander without a
guide, and everything will be uncertain to
Carpet Co., Inc., et al. v Mehdi Naeini, Case No.
00-CV-4882 (FB), 2002 U.S. Dist. Lexis 1129
(E.D.N.Y., January 22, 2002). Plaintiffs have used
the marks "ABC" and "ABC Carpet" for retail stores
offering carpets and rugs since 1961 and "ABC
Carpet and Home" since 1992. Defendant has operated
a business under the name "American Basic Craft
Carpet and Home Restoration" since 1980 for carpets
and carpet cleaning services. When he registered
he was unaware of plaintiff's use of the mark.
Plaintiffs commenced a lawsuit claiming trademark
infringement and dilution and violation of the
ACPA,. The court denied plaintiffs' motion for
summary judgment, holding that issues of fact
precluded it from resolving the parties' disputes
at this time. The court also denied the dilution
claim, finding that Plaintiff's failed to show that
the mark is famous.
Online filed a federal suit against Aimster,
claiming that the music file swiapping service is
intentionally piggybacking on its own trademark AIM
(AOL Instant Messenger) to confuse AOL customers.
The suit , filed in Virginia federal court, follows
a UDRP decision from the National Arbitration
Forum, that AIMSTER.COM.
was registered in bad
Aimster claims that its name derives from two
sources which have nothing to do with AOL's AIM
service. When the startup was launched in September
of 2000, it originally operated only through AIM's
platform. After a court order to relinquish the
AIMSTER.COM domain name to AOL, Aimster was renamed
September 1998, Colgate-Palmolive
sent a cease and desist letter to the co-founder of
claiming that the site diluted the corporation's
famous brand. The developer of the site began using
the name of an ancient Greek warrior in high school
ten years earlier. Within weeks of Colgate's
demand, another
posted a petition with 1,368 signatures protesting
the multinational's threats to shut down the small
non-commercial operation. The corporation backed
down in October, explaining that the site's content
did not lead to customer confusion over its
A Beijing
Intermediate People's Court ruled that the China
Internet Network Information Center did not have
the right to reserve Chinese domain names for
companies that are well-known and ordered the
administrator of .CN to treat all domain applicants
equally. The dispute arose after CNNIC refused the
application of Beijing Zhengpu Science Development
Company for the Chinese name "Alibaba" in January
2000 on the grounds that the domain was reserved
for Hong Kong-based Alibaba.com Corp., a well-known
online business-to-business marketplace
is Alitalia, Italy's flagship air carrier.
Defendent is a William Porta, a disgruntled
passenger who registered ALITALIASUCKS.COM on
October 26, 2000 after his luggage was lost. The
suit, filed in federal court in Manhattan, alleges
trademark infringement. Alitalia sent Porta a check
for $840 plus two travel tickets on Dcember 19 to
settle his claim, but he said unless he received
unspecified "satifactory compensation", he would
register the website, on which he posted a letter
about how the airline had treated him, with 350
Internet search engines within 9 days.
long and complex battle for the ALTAVISTA.COM
domain name was settled in July 1998 when
Computer Corp,
owner of the popular Alta
Vista search
reportedly agreed to pay a record-breaking $3.35
million to Alta Vista Technology, a California
software startup, for the Internet address. Alta
Vista Technology registered the domain name in
1994, more than a year before the search engine was
launched. In March 1997, a federal judge ordered
Alta Vista Technology to change its logo and add a
disclaimer on the site, which attracts nearly a
million visitors a day looking for the search
engine. Compaq inherited the search engine when it
bought Digital Equipment Corp. in January
- Compaq
by Tom Diederich (Computerworld - August 12,
- Compaq
buys AltaVista
by Janet Kornblum (C/Net - August 11,
- AltaVista
domain name deal due
by Tom Diederich (Computerworld - July 31,
- Compaq
Says No Deal On AltaVista
by John Borland (TechWeb - July 28,
- San
Jose Man Hits Gold: $3.3 Million Web
by Julia Agwin (SF Chronicle - July 28, 1998)
- Digital
defends its
by Christine MacDonald (C/Net - October 31,
July 2001, the Seoul District Court ordered
cancellation of the domain name registration
AMAZON.NE.KR by a Korean man. The presiding man
said the registration infringed the trademark
rights of AMAZON.COM by misapropriating its name
and logo.
Online bookseller AMAZON.COM filed a lawsuit in the
U S District Court for the District of Delaware,
alleging trademark infringement, trademark
dilution, copyright infringement,and violations of
the federal RICO statutes, against two Greek
citizens. The pair registered AMAZON.GR and
to host "Greece's Biggest Bookstore" with a website
layout similar to that of AMAZON.COM. Two weeks
after the lawsuit was filed, the copycat site
changed its domain name to GREEKBOOKSONLINE.COM
although the disputed domain names still remain in
An online entrepreneur at AMAZOM.COM
capitalizes on people's spelling errors. The
website feeds customers not to the similarly named
"World's Largest On-line Bookstore" at
but to two competing booksellers. Earlier, however,
Amazon Bookstore filed a suit in U.S. District
Court in Minneapolis against AMAZON.COM, claiming
the Seattle-based bookstore intentionally
misappropriated the name when it launched its
online operation in 1995. The parties reached a
settlement with the cooperative assigning its
common law rights to the online
Zealand's America's Cup team was granted a
temporary restraining order on December 9, 1999,
preventing two New Zealand men who registered
AMERICASCUP.COM from using the domain name. The
lawsuit was filed by Quokka
Sports, a company handling AMERICASCUP.ORG
for the New Zealand America's Cup yachting team, on
November 29, 1999, the same day the
was signed into law. The parties settled hours
before a judge was to rule on the complaint, and
the domain names were transferred to the America's
Cup Properties.
- NZ
cybersquatting court case
(Fairfax I.T. - January 7, 2000)
- Quokka
settles America's Cup
by Jennifer Mack (ZDNet - December 29,
- Quokka,
New Zealanders settle domain name
by Patricia Jacobus (C/Net - December 22,
- Anti
cybersquatting law faces first
by Jennifer Mack (ZDNet - December 16,
- Litigants
Use Law to Stake Their Claim in
by Jeri Clausing (NYTimes - December 9,
Nickolas Grove registered the domain AOLBETA.COM on
August 20 after seeing the domain was available.
The following day, the DNS settings were changed
and the domain name was transferred to AOL. Grove
is seeking legal assistance in the
- The
U.S. District Court in Virginia ordered the
Public Interest Registry, the registry for .ORG,
to transfer AOL.ORG to America Online. AOL
previously obtained an ACPA in rem
jurisdictional ruling to transfer the domain but
the Asian-based registrar refused to comply. The
Virginia court ruled that there is no bar on
ordering the registry to transfer a domain where
the registrar is uncooperative.
In June 1999, NSI revoked a woman's
AOLSEARCH.COM domain name when she failed to
respond to its 30-day warning that a trademark
claim had been initiated by America Online. The
site was called
OnLineSearch ,
a clearinghouse for links about African-American
issues and cultures. The registrant claimed she
never received the notification, but NSI said
the contact information was incomplete and
the domain name to America Online.
In June 1998, America Online obtained a cease
and desist order against a German on-line casino
operating at AOL-CASINO.COM for violation of its
trademark rights.
Canadian teen who registered APPLEIMAC.COM to
advertise his web hosting company received a cease
and desist letter on February 18, 1999 from
Computer Co.
The 17-year old student countered with a demand
that Apple donate 30 iMacs to a local school. In
mid-April 1999, he agreed to surrender the domain
name to the computer company.
- Avery
Dennison Corp. v. Sumpton, 999 F. Supp. 1337
(C.D. Cal. 3/19/98): A federal judge in Los
Angeles ruled that FreeView
of Canada must relinquish AVERY.NET and
DENNISON.NET to the trademark owner,
Jerry Sumpton, founder of FreeView, was ordered
to convey the domain names to Avery Dennison for
$300 apiece. Sumpton has registered thousands of
domain names, which he leases for an annual fee
to people seeking e-mail addresses that match
their surnames. The judge said Sumpton's use
lessened Avery's ability to identify its
products on the Internet, even though the
company registered and uses the domain names
dismissed claims against NSI, which was named as
a co-defendant in the litigation. On August 23,
1999, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
reversed the injunction against Sumpton, holding
that the widespread use "Avery" and "Dennison"
makes it unlikely that either can be considered
a famous mark eligible for the dilution cause of
- Avery
Dennison loses suit over trademark
(CNN - August 26, 1999)
- Court
OKs some domains with trademark
by Dan Goodin (C/Net - August 23, 1999)
- Avery
Dennison Corp.,
Plaintiff-Counter-Defendant-Appellee, v. Jerry
Sumpton, d/b/a Free View Listings Ltd.,
Defendants-Counter-Claimants-Appellants, U.S.
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Opinion
(August 23, 1999)
- Net
Names No Threat to
by Brenda Sandburg (Law News Network - August
23, 1999)
- Taking
Thy Name in
by David M. Kelly and Marjorie Goux (IP Magazine
- July 1998)
- Speculator
in Vanity Domain Names Loses to Big-Name
(NYT - April 26, 1998)
- Ruling
on Internet names opens a can of
(NANDO.NET - April 21, 1998)
- Vancouver
company appeals order restricting use of
(Boston Globe - April 20, 1998)
- Avery
Dennison Corp. v. Jerry Sumpton, et. al.,
Granting Plaintiff's
U.S. Central District of California - March 19,
, manufacturer of the popular Barbie dolls, has
aggressively pursued its trademark rights in the
domain name system.
Mattel, Inc. v. Barbie-Club.com, the 2nd Circuit
upheld the Southern District's dismissal of an
action brought by Mattel against 57 Internet sites.
The court said the "basic jurisdictional grant" in
the ACPA "contemplates exclusively a judicial
district within which the registrar or other
domain-name authority is located. A plaintiff must
initiate an in rem action by filing in that
judicial district and no other."
Mattel, Inc. v. Adventure Apparel, (S.D.N.Y.
September 19, 2001)--the court granted summary
judgment to Mattel, holding that defendant violated
the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act by
registering the BARBIESBEACHWEAR.COM and
BARBIESCLOTHING.COM. Defendant argued that he
intended to use the names for a parody site, a bona
fide noncommercial or fair use under the ACPA.
However, the judge noted that defendant parked the
domain names at another domain name associated with
the defendant's commercial Web site and rejected
the parody argument. The court held that Mattel's
"Barbie" trademark is famous and the domain names
diluted the mark. The court further found that he
domain names in question were confusingly similar
to the distinctive "Barbie" mark. domain names at
issue be cancelled, and awarded plaintiff $2000 in
statutory damages for the two domain names
registered. It did not award plaintiff attorneys'
fees, nor did it direct the defendant to transfer
the domain names to Mattel.
sued Internet Dimensions Inc. in Fort Lauderdale,
Fla., for trademark infringement when it discovered
a porn site called BARBIESPLAYPEN.COM. In mid-July
2000, a judge from the Southern District of New
York ordered the site to stop using Mattel's
"Barbie" trademark as part of its domain name and
forced the registrant to cede the domain name to
(N.D. Cal 2/99):
filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District of Los Angeles
against Internet Host, an ISP that registered
alleges that Oregon-based Internet Host intended to
trade on dollmaker's goodwill and to extort payment
to transfer the domain names to the trademark
also complained to Barbie Doll Benson that her
steamy website infringes on its
trademark. The exotic dancer received a letter
demanding that she transfer her BARBIEBENSON.COM
domain name to the toy manufacturer. Benson, who
established the site in 1997 to break away from her
stripping career, told Mattel to keep its hands off
her domain.
a UDRP decision that should cause concern for many
Web-site- operating travel
and city portals around the world, a WIPO
arbitrator decided BARCELONA.COM
be taken away from the current registrants and
awarded to the Spanish city of Barcelona. The
domain was registered early in 1996 and used as a
source of news and tourism information related to
Barcelona. The arbitrator opined that people
visiting the domain would expect an official site
of the city and the resulting confusion constituted
bad faith. The arbiter did not consider the
operation of a Barcelona portal to constitute
evidence of a legitimate right to the address and
suggested that it is reasonable to assume that
anyone using the address BARCELONA.COM "would
normally expect to reach some official body or
representative of the city oF Barcelona
itself." The registrant filed a lawsuit in
federal court to stay the transfer of the domain
name. Barcelona City Council's motion to dismiss
for lack of jurisdiction was rejected by the
Court at Alexandria,
on March 16, 2001.
year later, chief judge for the Eastern District of
Virginia, ruled in favor of the city of Barcelona
with a decision based on trademark law in Spain.
Judge Claude Hilton broke new ground with a ruling
that says it was the intent of Congress to have
ACPA apply to foreign trademarks. The 4th Circuit
Court of Appeals reversed,
remanded and
the lower court's decision, ruling that the lower
court erred in applying Spanish law to an ACPA
- Barcelona,
Com v. Excelentisimo Ayuntamiento de Barcelona,
4th Circuit Court of
No. 02-1396 (June 2, 2003)
- 4th
Circuit Sets Oral Argument Date For
Barcelona.com Case
(UDRPlaw - January
11. 2003)
- U.S.
Court Stakes Out New Turf In BARCELONA.COM
by Steven Bonisteel (Newsbytes - March 2,
- U.S.
Court Hands Barcelona.com To Spanish City, by
Steven Bonisteel (Newbytes - March 1,
- Barcelona,
Inc., v. Excelentisimo Ayuntamiento de
Barcelona, Order,
E.D. VA, Civ-Action 00-1412-A (February 22,
- Barcelona.com
Combatants Await Decision From U.S.
by Steven Bonisteel (Newsbytes - December 7,
- Barcelona.com
Trial Seeks New Date After Terrorist
by Steven Bonisteel (Newsbytes - September 21,
- Domain
Onwers Fight to Keep
by Naomi Koppel (Excite News - August 25,
- Spanish
city council faces lawsuit over domain
by Louise Ferguson (ADOR - August 24,
- Sera
Amazon el
by Louise Ferguson (El Mundo - August 24,
wipes out domain name
by Michael Geist (The Globe - August 24,
- The
Domain in Spain Stays Mainly with Those Who
by Steve Bonisteel (Computer User - August 16,
- Geographic
Domains on Shaky
by Louise Ferguson (Industry Standard - August
11, 2000)
UDRP decision:
Case No. 2000-0505
- Bargain
Bid v. Ubid, E.D.N.Y. 99 CV 7598: In one
of the first lawsuits to test the U.S Trademark
Cyberpiracy Act, Bargain Bid was ganted a
temporary injunction against Ubid and the
registrant of BARGINBID.COM. The lawsuit alleged
that the domain name was registered with the
intent to divert consumers "during the height of
the holiday shopping season" to the competitor's
web site by using a common misspelling of
- Media
mogul Barry Diller and his company,
sued three men, who do business as
for hawking BARRYDILLER.COM for $10 million. The
suit was filed in New York State Supreme Court
on June 23, 1999. The defendants pooled about
$40,000 to purchase domain names of famous
people for resale. Diller was granted judgment
by default when the defendants failed to appear
in court or reply to the suit. The judge ordered
an inquest on possible damages. The justice,
ruling under the Anticybersquatting Consumer
Protection Act, ordered the defendants to
transfer the domain name to Diller and USA
Networks but declined plaintiffs' request for
$68,615 in attorney fees and damages.
- On
November 19, 1999, the Supreme
Court of
granting orders to proceed with the eviction of
a company using the domain nameBARTERCARD.ORG.
The application for interlocutory injunctions
was brought by international trade exchange
to prevent rival AshtonHall from using the
Bartercard name or trademark as a domjain name
or email address. Lawyers claimed the
BARTERCARD.ORG site substantially reproduced
member information from Bartercard's National
Directory and its own site.
- Attorneys
for the Comedy Central television show
sent a cease and desist to the registrant of
BATTLEBOTS.ORG, who operates a Unix-based
Internet shell service, which includes Internet
relay chat (IRC), email accounts, web pages and
software programming. The registrant has used
the term "bot" since 1994 and acquired the
domain name in August 2000, several months
before the trademark issued. Bowing to pressure,
the registrant relinquished the domain name for
$70 in September 2001.
- The
BBC won a High Court injunction blocking
registrant Stephen Taylor of Britain from
selling BBC1.COM and BBC2.COM. The BBC claimed
trademark infringement, passing off and breach
of contract in its litigation. The registrant
was ordered to transfer the domain names to BBC
and pay its legal costs.
- No.
99C 0692 (N.D. Ill - 2/3/99):
manufacturer of the popular Beanie Babies
stuffed toys, filed suit against a Missouri
woman who registered the domain name
BEANIEBABY.COM. Ty charged that the woman used
the company's trademark as her website address
to profit from Ty's name recognition. Her
complaint for declaratory judgment and motion
for dismissal were dismissed by the U.S.
District Court of Missouri. Ty registered
BEANIEBABIES.COM and reportedly was offered the
BEANIEBABY.COM site for $1.25 million. The site
posts a disclaimer that it is not affiliated
with Ty. In April, Ty brought suit against an
Arizona woman who registered
information about an adult retirement community.
In September 2002, the 7th
Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower court
and held that a reseller of "Beanie Babies" did
not violate the Federal Trademark Dilution Act
when she used plaintiff's "Beanies" trademark in
the title and domain name of her web site,
BARGAINBEANIES.COM, to market the product. The
court relied on the fact that Ty's marketing
strategy inlcuded creation of a secondary market
and held that defendant's actions constituted
neither a blurring nor tarnishment of
plaintiff's marks.
- Ty,
Inc. v. Ruth Perryman, Decision, 7th
Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, No.
02-1771(October 4, 2002) (PDF)
- Woman
accused of Beanie trademark
by Bloomberg News (C/Net - April 29,
- Beanie
Baby maker sues woman over Web
by Judith Vandewater (PostDispatch - February 6,
- Woman
sued over Beanie Baby
by Bloomberg News (C/Net - February 5,
- Ty,
Inc. v. Mickey Collett, dba Professional
Promotions and CoolBeans, Complaint,
No. 99C 0692, N.D. Ill (February 3,
- Mickey
Collett v. Ty, Inc., Complaint
for Declaratory
No. 4:99CV00144CDP (January 28,
- Gardner,
Carton & Douglas, Cease
and Desist
(January 19, 1999)
is the domain name Martin Wattenberg and his wife
registered in May 1996 to market their Java
applets. Two-and-a-half years later, they received
a call from Columbia TriStar Interactive, demanding
they relinquish the name which matched a popular TV
show produced by TriStar in the 1960s. Columbia
TriStar is a part of Sony, which owns two design
marks for the show. The Wattenberg's sought help
from the World Wide Web Artists Consortium (WWWAC)
mailing list, with 3,000 subscribers. No lawsuits
havbeen filed and Wattenberg is optimistic about
reaching a settlement with the company.
was taken to federal court by Plaintiff Bruce
Watts, who sought to hold the registrar responsible
for his inability to obtain a previously registered
domain name, BIRTHDAYBALLOONS.COM. Watts' claim of
antitrust violations were dismissed by the court in
May 1999.
Entertainment, a division of software publlisher
Davidson & Associates, Inc., sent a cease and
desist letter to the registrant of BLIZZARD.NET,
claiming use of the domain name is likely to
deceive the public as it is "confusingly similar"
to Davidson's trademark. There are a dozen
registrations for the term "blizzard" in the USPTO
trademark database--for electric fans, cryosurgical
equipment, vaccuum cleaners, bicycles and ice cream
confections--but Davidson's is for the words
"Blizzard Entertainment".
Black, a University of Toronto graduate, registered
CANADIAN.BIZ to use for an online business. Molson
Breweries, owner of the "Canadian" trademark, was
awarded tranfer of the domain name in a challenge
under the registry's Start-Up Trademark Opposition
Policy. Black challenged the decision, which was
overturned by an Ontario court in July 2002. The
judge noted that if the analysis used by the STOP
panelist were correct, the only person who could
register CANADIAN.BIZ without bad faith would be
Molson, an approach that would grant the company
defacto monopoly over the word Canadian in the
domain name system.
World, Inc. v. Caesars-Palace.Com, et al. Civ.
99-550-A (E.D.Va.,March 3, 2000): Plaintiff
asserted a claim under the Trademark Cyberpiracy
Act and invoked its in rem provision.
CEASARES.ORG, CEASAERES.ORG and others registered
to Netgame, Inc.-- moved for dismissal asserting
that the in rem provision is unconstitutional and
violates rights to due process. The court holds
that the provisions of the Anticybersquatting
Consumer Protection Act that permit a trademark
holder to proceed with an in rem action against a
domain name do not violate the Due Process clause
of the United States Constitution. The court
determined that, for the purpose of the Act,
Congress mandated that a domain name is property
located in the forum in which the domain name
registrar is located. Accordingly, the court denied
defendants' motion to dismiss the complaint. ":
There is no prohibition on a legislative body
making something property. Even if a domain name is
no more than data, Congress can make data property
and assign its place of registration as its situs,"
the court wrote.
- Caesars
World, Inc. v. Caesars-Palace.Com, et al.,
Civ. 99-550-A , E.D.Va. (March 3,
for the Council of American Survey Research
Organizations (CASRO), a national trade association
of survey research firms, sent a cease-and-desist
letter to Consumer.Net for claiming a name that
would lure traffic and cause confusion with its own
website at CASRO.ORG.
CASRO.COM now maps instead to the website of the
consumer information organization, Consumer.net.
No. 97-793-HA (D.Or. 4/22/98):
Solutions, Inc.,
a replicator of compact disks, registered the
domain name CDS.COM in February of 1996. Fifteen
months later, CDS Networks, one of twelve owners of
U.S. trademarks for "CDS", lodged a challenge for
the domain name. On May 19, 1998, CD Solutions
received a final judgment from the U.S. District
Court for the District of Oregon that its CDS.COM
domain name does not infringe the trademark
registered to CDS Networks for printing and desktop
publishing services. The court concluded that the
mark itself now denotes a term in common usage and
is not entitled to protection as a strong mark.
- CD
Solutions, Inc. Press
Release re: Final
(May 19, 1998)
- CD
Solutions, Inc. v. CDS Networks, et.al.,
#97-CV-793, Pacer
(U.S. District of Oregon, - May 22,
- CD
Solutions, Inc. v. John Cleven Tooker,
Commercial Printing Co., CDS Networks, et.al.,
#97-CV-793-HA, Opinion
and Order
(U.S. District of Oregon, - April 22,
International Inc. v. Bodum Inc., E.D. Pa., No.
00-1793 (8/7/01). - Chatam sells a raspberry
liqueur and fruit preserves under the trademark
"Chambord." Bodum sells non-electric coffee makers
under the same mark. A Bodum affiliate registered
CHAMBORD.COM, and Chatam filed suit against Bodum
for violations of the ACPA, trademark infringement,
and trademark dilution. The court granted summary
judgment in favor of Bodum Inc., relying on a safe
harbor provision for those registrants who the
court determines "believed and had reasonable
grounds to believe that the use of the domain name
was a fair use or otherwise lawful."
Systems, Inc., v. Check Point Software
Technologies, Inc., 3d Circuit, No. 00-2373
(10/26/01) - The 3rd U.S. Court of Appeals affirmed
a New Jersey U.S. District Court decision which
held that the impact of a trademark "initial
interest confusion" analysis must be weighed
against such factors as the similarity of the
companies' businesses and the sophistication of
their customers. A property-protection company,
Checkpoint Systems, filed suit against network
firewall vendor Check Point Software, the
registrant of CHECKPOINT.COM. "Initial interest
confusion" is a concept wherein one company can
divert the customers of another by imitating its
trademarks, even if the confused consumers did not
do business with the imitator. Nonetheless, the
court found no evidence that Checkpoint Systems was
known to those in the information technology world
and did not order the domain name transferred to
the plaintiff.
- Checkpoint
Systems, Inc., v. Check Point Software
Technologies, Inc., Order
Amending Slip
3d Circuit, No. 00-2373 (10/26/01)
- Checkpoint
Systems, Inc., v. Check Point Software
Technologies, Inc., Opinion
of the Court,
3d Circuit, No. 00-2373 (10/19/01)
- Appeals
Court Takes Stand On Domain-Name
by Steven Bonisteel (Newsbytes - October 29,
Enterprises Inc. (JEI), which markets the Chia Pet
planters, sued ued NeoPets, the popular virtual pet
site, alleging cybersquatting for registering
CHIA.BIZ and CHIA.INFO. The lawsuit was filed on
June 3, 2002 in federal court in San Jose, Calif.
JEI claims the virtual pet site is trying to trade
unfairly off the Chia name. However, in March,
NeoPets filed for trademark protection to use the
Chia mark for plush toys, games and other items.
Manhattan Bank
put the legal squeeze on Chase House and forced the
small management consultancy business to sell its
domain name, CHASE.CO.UK. Chase House was named
after the two centuries old building in which the
business is housed, but the bank claimed the
company was trading off its familiar name and
issued a claim in the High Court. Unable to afford
a protracted legal fight, Chase House negotiated a
settlement which included
the domain name, but staged a mock funeral and
provided a virtual condolences
for supporters to sign. Chaser House will be
Assistant Vice President for Marketing and Public
Relations at Claremont
McKenna College
in Southern California demanded that the students
who established a website at CLAREMONTMCKENNA.COM
relinquish the domain name to the admistration for
a nominal fee. Although the college official
praised the site, saying that it "showcases the
entrepeneurial spirit of CMC," he claimed that the
domain name infringes on the trademark rights of
the college. The site included a disclaimer of
affiliation with CMC with a link to the official
website at MCKENNA.EDU,
but the college president threatened the students
with a lawsuit
over rights to the name. In May, 1999, CMC issued a
allowing the CMC students requiring the students to
relinquish the domain name with a license to use
for a renewable five-year term. Reportedly, a
settlement was reachedin which CMC will purchase
the rights to the domain name for $170,000. The
college has agreed to establish a $120,000 account
to fund fellowships to encourage enrepreneurial
spirit and civil liberties. It will also pay
$50,000 over ten years for an independent
student-operated website at CMCSTUDENTS.COM.
A complete history
of this dispute
has been moved to the new student website. Although
the domain name dispute has been resolved, the
principals involved are still
over the recollection and recitation of
- University
agrees to fund student fellowships to get domain
(Silicon Valley.com - May 7, 2001)
- Former
CMC PR Director
(April 27, 2001)
- Site
Founders Agree to Transfer Domain Name to CMC
27, 2001)
Contract re:
(May 7, 1999) and Response:
Administration Attacks
(May 10, 1999)
- Students'
(April 19, 1999)
Administration Attacks
(January 27, 1999)
- Claremont
McKenna College: The Evolution of
(January 26, 1999)
- Official
Response to the CMC
(January 25, 1999)
- Censorship:
An Editorial
(January 24, 1999)
- Memo
Baum to
(January 19, 1999) and Response
(January 26, 1999)
1996, Hasbro,
Inc., an international toy manufacturer, challenged
the registration of CLUE.COM by a two-person
Colorado computer consultancy. Clue is the name of
a classic children's board game. Clue
obtained a court order preventing suspension of the
domain name. NSI filed federal interpleader against
Clue Computing, which was dismissed. Next, Hasbro
sued Clue in the District Court for Massachusetts,
which ruled in September 1999 that Clue Computing
is not infringing or diluting the rights of Hasbro
in its domain name registration. The court said,
"Holders of a famous mark are not automatically
entitled to use that mark as their domain name;
trademark law does not support such a monopoly."
Thus, there was insufficient evidence to establish
a likelihood of confusion between the board game
and technology company's use of the trademark. On
dilution, the judge wrote, "I find no calibrated
fairness in awarding Hasbro equitable relief
through an anti-dilution injunction granting it a
nationwide monopoly in the use of this rather
common word' against other companies like Clue
Computing legitimately using that word in other
contexts." Hasbro attorneys filed an appeal with
the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit , which
the decision of the District of Massachusetts on
November 7, 2000.
- U,S,Hasbro,
Inc. v Clue Computing, inc., 1st Circuit, of
Appeals, No. 00-1297, Affirmed
(November 7, 2000)
- Hasbro,
Inc. v. Clue Computing Inc., Memorandum
and Order,
U.S. District Court MA, CV 97 10065DPW
(September 2, 1999)
- Judges
Pick David Over Goliath in Domain Name
by Carl S. Kaplan (NYT - September 17,
- Domain
name ruling favors small businesses, by Dan
(C/Net - September 8, 1999)
- Pacer
record of Clue case
v. Clue Computing and Hasbro, Inc.,
to Dismiss Interpleader
U.S. District Court of Colorado, CV 96-D-1530
(July 22, 1996)
v. Clue Computing and Hasbro,
of Dismissal,
U.S. District Court of Colorado, CV 96-D-1530
(October 26, 1996)
News Network,
known worldwide as CNN, sent a cease and desist
letter to Shanghai-based Maya
registrant of CNNEWS.COM. The American company
asserted that the domain registration and
competitive news content on an associated website
dilutes its rights in the CNN mark. CNN cited the
Trademark Cyberpiracy Act, thoughtfully enclosing a
Registrant Name Change Agreement with its demand
for the name. The Asian ISP said CN represents
China as its ISO-3166 country code and refused to
honor CNN's demand. A senior judge in charge of
intellectual property under the Beijing High
People's Court said Maya appeared to have
convincing reasons to defend its choice of domain
name. CNN filed an in rem proceeding in
Virginia federal court--(2001 U.S. Dist. Lexis
14693). The domain was registered with Eastern
Communications, but the court held that the ACPA
in rem provisions were met by virtue of
Verisign's registry function, located in that
state.The court ordered the domain name transferred
to CNN but acknowledged that it could not create an
order binding on a Chinese registrar. At the
request of CNN, ICANN wrote to Eastern
Communications that it is obliged to comply with
the court order under the terms of its accredition
- Summary
of CNNEWS.COM case by Louis
ICANN counsel (April 17, 2002)
- Cable
News Network v. CNNews, ED Va, Civ 00-2022A,
(April 12, 2002)
- Did
ICANN Take Sides in
(BNA Internet Law News - April 4, 2002) -
contains Order, Registrar Certificate and
correspondence between attorneys and
fights cybersquatting in
(Times of India - October 20, 2000)
- CNN,
Maya Online Clash Over
by Sheila Lam (Internet.com - October 19,
cease and
(October 6, 2000)
High Court in New Zealand granted an interim
injunction which prevents a manufacturer, Maxwell
Rotor, from using the CONTAINERLIFT.COM domain
name. The litigation was filed by two British
companies, Containerlift Services and Containerlift
Sales, and a New Zealand manufacturer, Steelbro.
The High Court found that although the
Containerlift companies had no reputation in New
Zealand, had former had established a "significant
business" in England and was well-known. The
court also also accepted evidence that the word
"containerlift" was not used generically, and said
the use of the CONTAINERLIFT.COM domain "will
probably cause damage to the business or goodwill"
of the UK Containerlift companies.
D. Sallen V. Corinthians Licenciamentos LTDA and
Desportos Licenciamentos LTDA: On May 18, 2000,
Corinthians Licenciamentos, owners of the soccer
team, filed a UDRP omplaint with WIPO, alleging
that Sallen's domain name was similar to its
rademark and that it has rights in Brazil to the
name, "Corinthiao," the Portuguese equivalent of
"Corinthians." A WIPO panel concluded that Sallen
used the domain name in bad faith and ordered it
transferred to the owners of the soccer team,
Sallen filed a bid to have his use of the domain
name declared legal under the ACPA,but the Court
summarily dismissed it, citing lack of
jurisdiction. That decision was reversed on appeal
in December 2001. A 3-judge panel for the US Court
of Appeals for the First Circuit found that the
ACPA "grants domain name registrants who have lost
domain names under administrative panel decisions
applying the UDRP an affirmative cause of action in
federal court for a declaration of nonviolation of
the ACPA and for the return of the wrongfully
transferred domain names." It slammed WIPO's
interpretation from the UDRP, describing its
fundamental structure as the "lowest common
denominator of internationally agreed and accepted
principles concerning the abuse of trademarks".
Translation: The ACPA definitively trumps the
- 'Cybersquatter'
Sallen in landmark court
by Kieren McCarthy (Register- December 13,
- Bible-quoting
Corinthians.com publisher replies to
by J.D. Sallen
- Appeals
Judges Confirm That Courts Trump ICANN's
by Steven Bonisteel (Newsbytes - December 6,
- Jay
D. Sallen V. Corinthians Licenciamentos LTDA and
Desportos Licenciamentos LTDA, Opinion,
U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit, District
of MA, No. 01-1197.01A (December 5,
- Domain
Name Owners Can Keep Their Domain Names - with
Assistance Of U.S. Federal
(PR Newswire - December , 2001)
No. D2000-0461 (July 17, 2000)
receiving a letter in March 1999 from Creditcomm,
of Virginia, demanding that CREDIT.COM
change its name, the California company fought back
by filing a million dollar lawsuit in federal
court. The suit accuses Creditcomm of unfair trade
practices. CREDIT.COM has been online since 1994
and provides credit reports, loan information and
other services to 300,000 website visitors each
launched a trademarked enterprise service called
DataCenter.com in Spring 1999, although the domain
name has been registered to someone else since
October 1997.
Breweries won its legal battle against a New
Zealander who registered DB.CO.NZ in 1996 and
subsequently attempted to sell it to the company
for $25,000. Instead, the company initiated legal
proceedings. The High Court awarded it the domain
name plus substantial costs to the Plaintiff.
District Court for the Western District of Texas,
Cause No. A 00CA-101-SS: Dell Computer Corp. filed
suit against 17companies and 6 individuals in 7
countries for registering domain names that use the
"Dell" trademark. The defendants are accused of
being cybersquatters with no intent to use the
domain names, which include: The domain names
registrant of DIAMOND.COM filed suit in the
Southern District of Florida against DIAMONDS.COM
registrant Michael Rappaport for slander,
cybersquatting and unfair competition. DeBeer's
largest customer of rough diamonds, the Steinmetz
Group, is DIAMOND.COM's principal investor. The
Rappaport Report sets the guidelines for pricing
diamonds in the wholesale industry. The plaintiff
alleges deliberate and illegal opportunism in
Rappaport's choise of domain name. Since both
websites trade in diamonds, the lawsuit will turn
on whether the domains are protectable service
marks and whether there is a likelihood of
confusion. If they are generic, neither party will
be able to stop the other from using their
respective domains.
- Un-site-ly
dissing match: Diamond vs. Diamonds, by Jared
Paul Stern (NYPost - July 28,
of America filed lawsuitsin the U.S. District Court
in Seattle against three individuals citing the new
federal law banning cybersquatting. The suits cite
not only trademark infringement but attempts to
sell the domain names to Nintendo at extortionate
prices. Registrants of PIKACHU.COM and DK64.COM
were named in the litigation.
- Game
by Richard A. Martin Seattle Weekly - January
6-12, 2000)
- In
a $150,000 restraint of trade lawsuit filed at
the end of 1999 in U.S. District Court in
Toledo, Steve Weber alleged that the National
Football League interfered with his right to
sell DOLPHINS.COM and JETS.COM, two domain names
he registered in 1997. The case was dismissed on
July 31, 2000, but an appeal was filed
immediately. In August, 20 filed a UDRP
proceeding for these names.
Henley, a retired USAF Tech Sargent on disability,
has the unfortunate coincidence of sharing the same
name as a famous rock star. On September 22, 1999,
attorneys for the musician sent a cease and desist
to the US veteran for his registration of the
domain name. The vet's site is used to express his
religious views but not to engage in commerce. The
bigfoot letter includes the following comment:
"We understand that Donald Henley may also be
your personal name. However, that does not give you
the right to use that name in a way that is likely
to confuse the public, nor to preclude your client
from exercising his trademark rights in connection
with the domain name." See, e.g., John R.
Thompson Co. vs. Holloway, 366 F.2d 108 (5th Cir.
1966) ("a man has no absolute right to use his own
name, even honestly, as the name of his merchandise
or his business. As such, it becomes a trademark or
servicemark subject to the rule of priority in
order to prevent deception of the public.") The
registrant considers this claim "foolish and
mean-spirited" and initiated a petition online to
protest this attempt to usurp his rights to the
name. Meanwhile, the musician
has registered 19 variations of his name in .COM,
.NET and .ORG.
- Is
this Domain Dispute
by John Berryhill, J.D. (December 3,
- Don
Henley Online Petition
- Fourth
Certified Letter from
(October 28, 1999)
- Is
Your Name Next?
(Slashdot - October 6, 1999)) Don
Henley in dispute with a crippled
- Third
e-mail response to
by Don Henley, domain registrant (October 2,
- Second
e-mail response to
by Don Henley, domain registrant (September 28,
- First
e-mail response to
by Don Henley, domain registrant (September ??,
- Cease
and desist
from attorneys to Don Henley, domain registrant
(September 22, 1999)
- Don
Henley Wants This
by Don Henley, registant
- The
New Delhi High Court issued India's first
permanent injunction against a cybersquatter,
ruling that the registrant of DRREDDYSLAB.COM
was trying to pass off' his website as that of
Dr Reddy's Laboratories and asking NSI to
transfer the domain name. The injunction also
restrains the use of any other deceptively
similar trademark or domain name for internet
related services which may lead to dilution of
distinctiveness of the plaintiff's trademark "Dr
- In
November 1998, Massachusetts clothing company
sued the operator of a small hobbyist website at
alleging unfair competition of Mondial Trading
Company's trademark to market a line of shoes.
EARTH.COM was established in 1994 and is not
used for any commercial activiities. Mondial
acquired the "earth" and "earth shoe"
trademarks, which were registered in 1985.
Mondial asked the court to transfer all interest
in EARTH.COM to the trademark owner but
dismissed (without prejudice) its litigation
against the domain registrant in March
- Mondial
Trading Co. v. Tony Sanders, dba EARTH.COM,
of Dismissal,
U.S. District Court of Massachusetts, 98 Civ
12376 WGY, (March 5, 1999)
- Domain
dispute hits
by Dan Goodin (CNet- February 12,
- Mondial
Trading Co. v. Tony Sanders, dba EARTH.COM,
U.S. District Court of
98 Civ 12376 WGY, (November 19,
- The
Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court
tried the illicit competition case filed by
Shanghai's Dongfang Net against Jinan's Dream
Multimedia Network Technologies Development
Center. Dongfang Net accused the Jinan firm of
infringement on its domain name EASTDAY.COM,
siteof the Chinese state-run news portal and
demanded 1 million renminbi (US$120,773) in
compensation for economic losses caused by
Defendant's EASTDAYS.COM.
- Elsewhere,
EASTDAY.COM lost its effort to obtain
EASTDAY.COM.CN, partially owned by a company
headed by the son of China's president and
backed by Beijing's two largest newspaper
publishers. A Shanghai court ruled that
cybersquatting had not been proven but did award
EASTDAY.COM 300,000 yuan for infringement of its
format and design.
- On
February 9, 2001, online auctioneer Ebay sent a
cease and desist letter to EBay Pty Ltd, a
20-year old Australian company. While the
auctioneer claimed EBAY.COM.AU, the husband/wife
launched a book publishing in December 1999
after registering EBAYAUST.COM. The auctioneer
claims the domainname trades on its reputation
and goowill. Athough the managing director of
the Australian branch acknowledged the
longstanding ownership of theEBay Pty trading
name, he stood by EBay's demands.
- A
California jury awarded $4-million in damages
against a small Canadian company that
established an electronic greeting card
business, ECARDS.COM. The lawsuit was filed by
the operator of E-CARDS.COM, who alleged unfair
competition with its business as a purveyor of
Internet greeting cards. Ecards questioned
whether the U,S. judgment could be enforced in
Canada and plans to appeal, explaining that the
judge failed both to instruct the jury properly
and barred its right to make an affirmative
- Edgar
Online, Inc. operating a website at
filed suit against Dan Parisi for false
designation of origin and unfair competition
under the Lanham Act and trademark infringement
under the New York statutes for use of
EDGARONLINE.COM. Edgar is a trademark of the
SEC. Parisi argued that the name was generic but
the court held it had acquired secondary meaning
and omitting a hyphen in the domain name did not
dispell confusion. The court also held that
defendant's fair use assertion was unlikely to
succeed and granted Edgar Online a preliminary
injunction. Parisi registered several hundred
domain names, including WHITEHOUSE.COM.
- Edgar
Online, Inc. v. Dan Parisi, dba WallstreetEdge,
of Opinion,
USNJ, CIV 99-2288, (June 4, 1999)
- Actress
Elizabeth Hurley sent a cease and desist letter
to the domain registration company
which allowed a customer to register
ELIZABETHHURLEY.CO.UK. Visitors to the site are
redirected to COCAINESEX.COM The letter
threatened a $10M lawsuit if the "unauthoirized"
registration of her name. British news reported
that Easyspace plans to turn over to the actress
a clutch of domain names it registered
incorporating her name to pre-emptively protect
her goodwill and reputation.
Media, Inc. (EMI) v. Scott Smith, EntrepreneurPR,
9th Circuit Court, Opinion, No. 00-56559 (February
11, 2002) - The publisher of Entrepreneur magazine
claimed Scott Smith infringed its federally
registered trademark "entrepreneur" by using the
word n connection with his public relations company
and domain name ENTREPRENEURPR.COM. . The district
court, Cooper J., granted sum-mary judgment in
favor of EMI but the Ninth Circuit reversed the
injunction in part,and remanded the case for a
trial on the merits. The appellate court held,
"Although EMI has the exclusive right to use the
trademark 'entrepreneur' to identify the products
described in its registration, trademark law does
not allow EMI to appropriate the word
'entrepreneur' for its exclusive use." The court
noted, ""Similarity of marks or lack thereof are
context specific concepts, In the Internet context,
consumers are aware that domain names for different
websites are quite often similar because of the
need for language economy, and that very small
differences matter." In May 25, 1999, EMI also
filed a federal lawsuit against Greg McLemore, CEO
of WebMagic, Inc., alleging trademark infringement,
dilution, unfair competition and other causes of
action due to the registration of
ENTREPRENEURS.COM. EMI subsequently dropped the
- Online,
Small Discrepancies Avoid Trademark
by John Colbert (ECommerce News - April 2,
- Internet
trademark infringement: Case comment on
Entrepreneur Media Inc. v.
by Bradley J. Freedman (CLESociety of BC - March
1, 2002)
- Appeals
Court Quashes Domain-Name Ban For PR
by Steven Bonisteel (Newsbytes - February 19,
- Entrepreneur
Media, Inc. v. Scott Smith, EntrepreneurPR, 9th
Circuit Court, Opinion,
No. 00-56559 (February 11, 2002)
- Keep
"Entrepreneur" Free - The
(Entrepreneurs.com - October 25,
Starship Services, Ltd. v. EPIX, Inc., 983 F.
Supp.1331, 45 U.S.P.Q.2d 1304 (D. Or. Nov 20,
1997): Epix, Inc. owns a federal trademark
for "Epix," used in connection manufacturing and
selling video imaging hardware and software.
Interstellare Starship Services operated a website
at EPIX.COM, used to publicize the activities of a
cabaret theater group. Epix claimed use of the
domain name constituted trademark infringement. The
court granted a declarator judgment for plaintiff
as thedomain name was used in connection with
services sufficiently different from defendants to
avoid likelihood of confusion. Appellate court
reversed On July 19, 1999, saying that conflicting
evidence regarding the trademark infringement
complaint should be resolved by a jury, rather than
by the district court on summary judgment but
affirmed the district court's refusal to grant
attorney's fees to Interstellar. A Writ
of Certiorari,
filed with the U.S. Supreme Court on November 30,
1999, raises key questions about whether the
Commerce Clause and Lanham Act Federal Courts have
jurisdiction over domain names.
- Interstellar
Starship Services v. U.S. v. Epix, Inc. v.
Michael R. Tchou, Intersteller
Reply to United States' Opposition to Motion to
U.S. District of Oregon, CV 97-107 JO (Aiugust
2, 2000)
- Interstellar
Starship Services and Michael R. Cchou v. EPIX
Inc. , Writ
of Certiorari,
U.S. Supreme Court (filed November 30,
- Interstellar
Starship Services v. EPIX Inc. ,
on Appeal,
9th Cir. (July 19, 1999).
- Interstellar
Starship Services Limited v. Epix, Inc. v.
Michael R. Tchou, Opinion,
983 F. Supp. 1331,
Ore.) (November 20, 1997)
Wisconsin federal judge ruled against the
registrant of EREFEREE.COM, reversing s the prior
decision of an arbitrator from the UDRP. The ruling
appears grant splaintiff Referee Magazine exclusive
right to use the word "referee" in connection with
online activities.
and J. Gallo Winery v. Spider Webs Ltd., et al.,
Civ. Act. No. H-00-450 (S.D.) - Filed under the
ACPA, the court held that the defendants had
diluted the trademark
name of plaintiff by registering
ERNESTANDJULIOGALLO.COM and labelling the company
the "Whiney Whinery".
The lower ourt ordered defendants to transfer the
domain name to pl E. and J. Gallo Winery and
awarded t$25,000 in statutory damages to
plaintiffs. Defendants had also registered
approximately 2000 other domain names, including a
names of famous companies, cities and buildings. On
April 3, 2002, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
for the Southern District of Texas affirmed the
summary judgment to Gallo on the ACPA and Texas
Anti-Dilution Statute claims, the injunction, the
order to transfer of the domain name to Gallo and
the statutory damages awarded to Gallo. According
to plaintiff's attorney, the
was the first application of the ACPA for the 5th
Circuit.The lower court's injunction prohibiting
Spider Webs from registering any domain name that
might be associated with the Ernest and Julio Gallo
Winery was also affirmed,
Corp. v. Dave Lahoti (C.D. CA, Case No.
00-9287) - C.D. Calif - A federal judge
found Dave Lahoti guilty of trademark infringement
and levied a permanent injunction and $305,615.20
against him for registering ESTAMPS.COM and
variations. Lahoti offered to sell the domain name
in response to an inquiry and then was branded as a
cybersquatter by the potential purchaser. Lahoti
explained he only responded to Stamp.com's inquiry
to buy the domain name and that he was sued for
putting up postage technology news discussing
e-stamps. During the three-day trial, Lahoti
characterized ESTAMPS as a generic term: " Even the
USPS calls them 'e-stamps'."
has filed a notice of appeal with the Ninth U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals.
- General
Counsel for the Wall Street Journal newspaper
sent a cease
and desist
to Abdul Jaludi , the registrant of
ESTREETJOURNAL.COM after he llisted the name for
sale for $2,500. The letter claimed the domain
name mimics the famous mark and diminishes the
capacity of the trademark owner to identify
goods and services on the Internet. The letter
offered $70 reimbursement along with a
registration transfer form.
- On
September 10, 1999, the online toy retailer
filed a lawsuit against the registrants of
ETOY.COM, a site for digital artists in Europe.
The publicly-traded toy seller (with a valuation
of $6.5 billion) alleged trademark infringement,
dilution, and unfair competition. The California
Superior Court issued a preliminary injunction
on November 29, 1999 along with $10,000 per day
fines until the name was shut down.. ETOY.COM
was registered in October 1995, more than two
years before ETOYS.COM. Although the toy seller
registered the trademark first, EToy claimed an
earlier use in commerce. A public affairs
representative for the artist group also said it
had received several offers for the domain name
from EToys, the latest for $536,000 in cash and
shares. The injunction raised a firestorm of
protest, including boycott requests and a new
EToy also launched a site at TOYWAR.COM
to protest the reverse domain name hijacking of
its domain name. The registrant said the dispute
was exacerbated on December 10 when NSI placed
the ETOY.COM domain name on hold, preventing its
use for e-mail services not prohibited by the
injunction. An appeal on the injunction was set
for hearing on December 27, 1999. but Etoys
proposed dropping all claims against each other
in exchange for some control over the content of
the ETOY.COM site. The art media group, balked
at the proposal, leaving the door open for more
legal action. Later, EToys dropped the
limitation on content and offerred to pay $25K
of the art group's legal costs. The dispute was
settled on January 25, 2000, with the art group
emerging victorious. As part of the settlement,
EToys paid up to $40,000 in legal fees and other
expenses the art group incurred during the
dispute. Steps were taken to remove the block on
the website, which had been temporarily shut
down by court order, and both organizations
dropped their lawsuits against each other. A
year later, the artists group filed a complaint
in U .S. District Court of Southern California
in San Diego alleging that eToy, Inc. used a
close imitation of the registered 'etoy' mark to
sell its products and advertise its services on
the Internet. The lawsuit seeks the toy
retailer's domain name, ETOYS.COM.
- etoy
Venture Association, aka etoy Corporation v.
eToys, Inc., Complaint
for Trademark Infringement and Demand for Jury
S.D.CA, No. 01CV 0136J (AJB), (January 24,
- Opposition
(January 24, 2001)
- EToy
Wants Trademark
by Reuters (Wired - January 25,
- European
art group files suit in U.S. against
by Alice Ratcliffe (SJMercury - January 25,
- The
Name Game - Etoy: Art as corporate
by Steve Kettman (LA Weekly - May 5-11,
- How
the Etoy Cammpaign Was
by Reinhold Grether (Telepolis - February 26,
- A
Tale of Two
by Lev Grossman (Time Digital - January 26,
- EToys,
Etoy Stop
by Jennifer Couzin (Yahoo News - January 26,
- eToys.com
Settles Suit With
by Martha Mendoza (Yahoo News - January 26,
- eToys
settles Net name dispute with
by Patricia Jacobus (C/Net - January 25, 2000)
- Etoy:
Don't Forgive, Don't
by Steve Kettmann (Wired - January 15,
- Etoy
Balks at Olive
by Steve Kettmann (Wired - December 30,
- EToy:
The Fight Isn't
by Steve Kettmann (Wired - December 30,
- EToys
Relents, Won't Press
by Craig Bicknell (Wired - December 29,
- Toying
with Domain
by David Fiedler (Web Developer - December 28,
- What's
in an "S"? Ask
by Miguel Helft (IStandard - December 20,
- Be
Grateful for
by Steve Kettmann (Wired - December 17,
- E-Riots
by Steve Kettmann (Wired - December 17,
- Toying
with Domain
by Steve Kettmann (Wired - December 11,
- Article
Links and Info
- A
Clash of Commerce and
by Richard Leiby (Washington Post - December 10,
- Web
revolts against eToys - Its just an
- December 9, 1999)
- Why
Webmasters should
by Eric Brooks (December 8, 1999)
- E-Toy
by Claire Barliant (Village Voice - December 7.
- eToys
Takes on etoy
(Internet News - December 6, 1999)
- Toy
by Mark Gimein (Salon - November 30,
International Service Association v. JSL Corp,
U.S.NV, CV-S-01-0294-LRH(LRL)
registered EVISA.COM in August 1997for use on
behalf of Eikaiwa Visa, an English language school
in Japan. "Eikaiwa" means "English conversation".
In August of 1999, VISA International Service
Association filed a trademark application for
"Evisa, launched its "Evisa " service and hired a
private investigator to inquire whether EVISA.COM
was for sale. JSL offered to sell the name rights
to EVISA including the domain, for $250,000. In
March 2001, Visa filed suit in Las Vegas federal
court, charging JSL with trademark infringement of
Visa's VISA and EVISA marks, and with
cybersquatting and trademark dilution. The court
cited Visa's four year delay in seeking a remedy
and denied its motion for preliminary injunction.
However, the court granted Visa's Motion for
Summary Judgment and directed JSL to cease using
EVISA.COM and deactivate the website. JSL filed a
motion in opposition to the motion for summary
judgment. The court ruled that the website--run by
Joe Orr from his apartment-- "diluted" Visa's
trademark, even though the site uses the word
"visa" in its ordinary dictionary definition, not
in relation to credit card services. EFF has
appealed the injunction against JSL Corp's use of
EVISA.COM for a multilingual website
Burrell, a Sci-Fi devotee, established some
websites as a way to unite the members of the fan
community she valued. She compiled her fan
devotions into a more comprehensive television
site, FANDOM.TV, rexploring a wide range of shows
tht had a cult following. The domain name was
registered in July 2000. On October 30, 2000, she
received a cease and desist letter from the legal
representatives of Fandom.com, a California company
with formidable financial prowess. The dictionary
definition of "fandom" dates the word back to 1903,
Fandom, Inc., abandoned the mark "Fandom" on May 1,
2000, but re-applied November 14, 2000, after
sending the cease and desist to FANDOM.TV's
administrator and two weeks after she applied for a
trademark registration for FANDOM.TV. To date,
Burrell has received a second cease and desist with
a higher offer--$1,500--for the domain name. A
signed by "Fox" was sent to mailing lists urging a
boycott of FANDOM.COM. A website at
has been developed to protest the domain
In April
2001, the National
Arbitration Forum
that a registrant must transfer a domain back to
Complainant, Fisher Controls, although the
registration had been made from the available pool.
Complainant argued that the registrar dropped the
1996 domain registration in error, since the
renewal payment was misapplied to a different
account. Respondent registered FISHER.COM on
February 13, 2001 and applied the following day for
a U.S. trademark to use the "fisher" family name as
a domain name for geneological research and
education. The ArbForum held that subsequent
resigration of a domain name by anyone other than
the Complainant indicates bad faith, absent
evidence to the contrary. Furthermore, Respondent's
failure to put the disputed domain name to
legitimate use (with only a placeholder on the home
page) also provides evidence of bad faith (i.e.,
passive holding is bad faith). After the UDRP
decision, the Registrant, Registral.com, filed suit
against both the Complainant and NAF in Federal
Court in the Southern District of Texas. In July
2001, the judge issued a preliminary injunction and
ordered FISHER.COM to be transfered Fisher
Controls, effectively affirming the NAF
Motor Co filed a federal lawsuit against
entrepreneur Michael Ouellette in 2001, accusing
him of trademark infringement and cybersquatting.
Ouellette registered FORDFIELD.COM and
FORDFIELD.NET and acquired the name Ford Field Inc.
for a t-shirt and grass seed business in Michigan.
In August 2002, Ford settled the lawsuit just days
before the $350 million Detroit Lions stadium named
Ford Field was scheduled to open. The automaker
paid Ouellette an undisclosed sum for the domain
names and corporate name.
Steele, a family run software company, registered
FSA.CO.UK in April 1997. Six months later, the UK's
Securities & Investments Board was renamed as
the Financial Services Authority (FSA). It
registered FSA.GOV.UK and offered to buy Findlay
Steele's domain name. In January 2001, FSA demanded
the domain name to prevent confusion and prevent
the confidential information it received. Nominet
its decision
in favor of the financial watchdog on September 21,
2001 although it is undisputed that Findlay Steele
registered the name in good faith. On appeal, an
independent expert recommended overturning
Nominet's decision. Theexpert wrote in the
reasonable steps were taken to minimize confusion.
Motor Company v. 2600 Enterprises and Emmanuel
Goldstein, aka Eric Corley, Eastern District of
Michigan, Civ. No. 01-60084DT: General Motors sent
a cease
and desist letter
on October 11, 2000 to 2600 Magazine, a
controversial quarterly hacker publication which
registered FUCKGENERALMOTORS.COM The letter claimed
the domain registration constituted trademark
infringement. Several months later, Ford Motor Co.
filed suit against the magazine for pointing the
website to its own home page, claiming the site
tarnished its trademark. In December 2001, the U.S.
District Court dismissed Ford's case against 2600
Magazine because the website involved no visible
commercial goal, and thus Ford could prove no
trademark infringement. Ford intends to file an
Ltd. a U.K. based distributor of plush toys, lost
its lawsuit to acquire the FURRYTAILS.COM domain
name registered by American Andrew Mitchell. In
January 2001, Furrytails Ltd. lost in a NAF UDRP
hearing and, based on new evidence, filed another
challengewith a 3-member WIPO arbitration panel.
Mitchell operates an identically-named business,
but is also a former employee of the U.K.
German unit of Nutella won a ruling January 17,
2001 from a court in Cologne that prevents the
owners GNUTELLA.DE and NEWTELLA.DE from using those
domain names. The maker of the popular nougat treat
expressed concerns that the company's global image
would be damaged "if millions of Internet users
would associate the word 'Nutella' with a
virtualconglomerate of copyright pirates and
friends of child pornography...." Original
documentation suggests the name was a combination
of the Nutella brand and an acronym for the free
Linux operating system as a "sexy product name that
makes you hungry with cravings for chocolaty
Inc. sued the Norweigan company SMSfun, registrant
alleging trademark infringement and breach of the
marketing law. SMSfun registered the domain name in
February 2001, while the search engine company
registered Google as a Norweigan trademark in
December of that year. Oslo Namsrett ruled in
favour of SMSfun stating that Google, Inc. has not
been able to show risk of damage or defamation if
SMSfun discontinues to use the domain name. SMSfun
uses the domain to market sunglasses.
professional sports leagues filed suit against the
operator of a free email service hoping to bar the
use of league trademarks in email addresses such as
''johndoe@gophillies.net.'' The suit against
Canadian businessman Jeff Burgar was filed in U.S.
District Court in New York. Burgar's
site offers Web users e-mail
featuring variations of 175 pro sports teams (such
as ASTROS1.COM), plus hobbies, geographic
locations, historic figures and sexually oriented
- A
satirical website at GWBUSH.COM caused the Texas
governor and likely presidential candidate to
call for "limits to freedom" and issue a cease
and desist letter citing misappropriation of
text and images from GEORGEWBUSH.COM. The
politician also filed a complaint on May 3, 1999
with the Federal Elections Commission. The
brouhaha drew media attention worldwide.
Documents and links to press reports at
In April 2000, the FCC dismissed the complaint
against the parody site, saying it was too low a
priority to warrant the use of the Commission's
resources but did not address the larger issue
of political activity by individual voters on
the Web
Also in May of 1999, millionnaire presidential
candidate Steve Forbes registered 19 domain names
suggesting Jeb Bush, his rival's brother, as his
potential vice-presidential running mate. Among the
domains Forbes registered are: STEVEANDJEB.COM,
- Election
Regulators Dismiss Complaint Against Bush Parody
by Rebecca Fairley Raney (NYTimes - Aprill 18,
- Forbes
Squats on Bush
by Lindsey Arent (/Wired - September 2,
- Squat
Busters; Bush
by Mark Anderson (MetroActive - August 19,
- Bush
shows how not to handle the
by Rebecca Fairley Raney (NYT - June 6,
- Complaint
to Federal Election
(May 3, 1999)
- Beating
Around the Bush,
by Heidi Kriz (Wired - May 21, 1999)
- Press
Release: George W. Bush Lashes Out at Parody
Website (May 20, 1999)
- Bush
criticizes web site as
by Wayne Slater(Dallas News - May 22,
- Press
Release: Bush Requests "Limits to Freedom" (May
26, 1999)
- George
W. Bush Lashes Out at Parody
(RTMark - May 20, 1999)
- Benjamin
L. Ginsberg,
Esq. to Zack Exley, Cease
and Desist
(April 14, 1999)
Rock Cafe International alleged that defendant
Peter Morton breached his License Agreement by
failing to convey the HARDROCK.COM and
HARDROCKHOTEL.COM domain names in the sale of the
Hard Rock Cafe and operating the Hard Rock Hotel in
Las Vegas. The court held that Morton did not
breach the License Agreement, denied plaintiff's
claim as the domain name was registered after the
purchase agreement was executed. Insufficient
evidence was shown to support an award of
- Hard
Rock Cafe International v. Peter A. Morton and
Hard Rock Hotel, Opinion
and Order,
SDNY, 97 Civ 9483 RPP (June 4, 1999)
in rem action alleging vioation of the ACPA,
a U.S. District Court Judge ruled that Harrods
(Buenos Aires) Ltd. acted in bad faith when it
registered more than 60 domain names bearing the
Harrods name. Harrods (Buenos Aires) Ltd. formerly
operated a department store in Argentina that was
opened by the owners of Harrods in 1912. Harrods
disassociated itself with the store before 1960,
but the store continued using the name until at
least 1995, Although Harrods (Buenos Aires) Ltd.
owns trademarks for the Harrods name in several
South American nations, the judge rejected the
company's claim that ithe registration of the
domain names was a "fair use". No goods or services
were offered through any of registrant's domain
names, and the court held that registrant intended
to create likelihood of confusion in order to
divert plaintiff's customers for its own commercial
gain, In August 2002, a US court of appeals upheld
the lower courts ruling granting domain name
rights to UK retailer Harrods,
Bros., which acquired rights to Harry Potter movies
and merchandise from author J.K. Rowlings, sent
cease and desist letters to hundreds of unofficial
fan sites and other pages that used the Harry
Potter moniker in their domain names, which
prompted some to organize a boycott of Harry Potter
paraphernalia in protest. But the media giant
backed down from its crusade against the
15-year-old owner of HARRYPOTTERGUIDE.CO.UK , whom
it had accused of infringing on the company's
intellectual property rights. The subsidiary of AOL
Time Warner, has agreed to rely on the teenager's
good faith and assurance that will continue only
noncommercial use of the domain name.
filed a pre-emptive suit against Harvard University
seeking a declaratory judgment from the court that
its domain name is noninfringing and protectable
under trademark law. NOTHARVARD is an Austin,
Texas, company that sells Web-based technology to
other sites wishing to offer free online courses to
their users. The same individual registered
NOTHARVARDU.COM. The preemptive lawsuit was seen as
a publicity stunt by the academic institution,
which nonetheless filed a countersuit. In September
2000, the year-old company changed its name to
Powered, Inc.
President and Fellows of Harvard College v.
Michael Rhys, D. Mass., No. 99CV12489RCL, (December
6, 1999): A week after the U.S. outlawed trademark
cyberpiracy, Harvard University filed a civil suit
in US District Court in Boston against two
individuals and the company Web-Pro, which
registered 65 Internet domain names incorporating
the words Harvard and Radcliffe. Among the disputed
domains listed for resale by Web-Pro for a minimum
of $10,000 apiece are: HARVARDYARDSALE.COM,
RADCLIFFECOLLEGE.COM. A cease and desist letter
from Harvard's legal counsel, which went
unanswered, preceded the lawsuit, which asked the
court to preliminarily and permanently enjoin the
defendants from using the Harvard or Radcliffe
- notHarvard
is Not notHarvard any
by Anastasia Ashman (InternetWorld - September
20, 2000)
- Harvard
Fights 'Not'
by Oscar S. Cisneros (Wired - August 1,
- NotHarvard.com
Sues Harvard
, by Oscar S. Cisneros (Wired - July 31,
- Dot-com
sues Harvard over domain
by Associated Press (USAToday - July 28,
Uses Cybersquatting Law for Infringement
(ECommerce Law Weekly - December 30,
- Harvard
seeks rights to own name in cyber
by Shelley Murphy (Boston Globe - December 8,
and Hatfield inc. v. William Hatfield, Memorandum
Opinion, U.S.MD, Civ AW-99-2093 (December 2,
1999) -
In one of the most blatant examples of reverse
domain name hijacking, registered owners of the
"Hatfield" mark, used in connection with meat
products, filed suit against William B. Hatfield
over his registration of HATFIELD.COM in February
1995. Although the domain name was used solely for
email, the plaintiffs alleged service mark
infringement, unfair competition, and federal
dilution. Since Hatfield failed to respond to
letters from HQM, the corporation alleged his
purpose was to hold the domain name hostage. The
court said plaintiffs' claims failed as a matter of
law and rejected every one, including the
property-right-in gross model. The plaintiffs have
filed an appeal.
- HQM,
LTD. and Hatfield inc. v. William Hatfield,
Memorandum Opinion, U.S.MD, Southern Division
Civ AW-99-2093,71F.Supp.2d 500, 1000U.S. Dist
Lexis 18598 (December 2, 1999)
a Massachusetts non-profit that operates a
satellite communications network for healthcare
professionals around the world. and Health Network,
a California HMO, each claim the right to use the
name HealthNet in their Internet addresses. The HMO
and invoked NSI's domain dispute policy in August
1999 to claim rights to HEALTHNET.ORG,
too. HEALTHNET.ORG was registered in 1993 to
SatelLife, whereas HEALTHNET.COM was first used by
the HMO in 1996 but the mark was registered in
1981. SatelLife filed an action in federal court in
Boston to preserve its Internet identifier, two
days before NSI would have placed the HEALTHNET.ORG
domain name on hold status. SatelLife says Health
Net's lawyers will not negotiate without a "gag"
agreement to not talk to the press or share
information about the negotiations. This case
highlights the escalating conflict of whether
commercial use can trump non-commercial rights to
the same name.
- SatelLife
(February 10, 2000)
- Domain
Name Trademark Clash in HealthNet
by John Grimmett (American Reporter - January
15, 2000)
sues charity over domain
by Douglas Carnall (BMJ - December 18,
sues non-profit over Web
by June Appleby (USA Today - December 6,
Threatens SatelLife with Trademark Lawsuit
(HealthNet - December 6, 1999)
- Group
fight for Internet name - HMO takes on tiny
health network,
by Karen Hsu (Boston Globe - November 26,
- Trapped
in a health
by Andrew Leonard (Salon - November 22,
- Nonprofit,
health care company fight for "HealthNet"
by Reuters (C/Net - November 18,
- Domain
Dispute - David Meets Goliath in Federal
(Satellife - November 17, 1999)
- California
HMO Threatens Trademark Suit Against SatelLife
and Attempts To Strip SatelLife's International
(Satellife - October 27, 1999)
Honda Motor Co. filed suit against a Florida Web
designer who registered the domain name HONDA.LNET
in 1996 to develop a search engine and link site
for fans of the popular auto maker. Filed in
federal court for the Central District of
California, the lawsuit seeks $100,000 in damage
payments And a court order forcing the registrant
to transfer the domain name and HONDACRAFT.COM to
the auto company. Alleging trademark dilution,
infringement, and cyberpiracy, the suit argues that
Honda Motor Corp. spent hundreds of millions of
dollars promoting itself and should have the
exclusive right to reap the profits from those
efforts. The registrant claims the search engine
was a non-commercial effort to help people find
other Honda sites.
a domain registered by writer and designer Leslie
Harpold, was transferred to another party on the
authority of a fradulent faxed request. Apparently
the registrar has learned nothing from the
litigation in which a party also acquired a domain
name based merely upon a forged document faxed to
the Network Solutions. Harpold has retained a
Florida lawyer.
Technologies Inc.,
was sued in New York District Court for "trademark
violations" in its use of HURRICANE.COM
by Hurricane
Hurricane registered the mark in 1996 for
advertising services via an on-line electronic
communication network. Coral registered
HURRICANE.COM in 1994 to establish a site with
weather links.
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